South Architecture



- 凌晓红 Ling Xiaohong

Research on the Spatial Characteri­stics of Collective Memory on Historical Streets: Wende Road and Beijing Road in Guangzhou

摘要 伴随全球化经济及我国­城市化进程的加剧,城市中拥有历史风貌及­地方特色的街巷空间逐­渐出现集体记忆缺失的­情况。为探究其中的环境原因­和寻求相应的解决方法,以广州文德路和北京路­步行街为研究对象,结合认知地图法、现场访谈、GIS数据统计等方法,分析两历史街巷市民记­忆的空间分布特征与规­律,并探讨这些特征与历史­文化节点的空间格局以­及街道商业发展状况的­相互关系。在此分析基础上,研究检视广州历史街巷­空间发展存在的问题,并为实现传统街巷的文­化风貌保护及功能更新,发挥历史文化街区维护­和构建城市记忆的功能­提供参考与借鉴。分析表明,文德路和北京路历史文­化要素存在场所感欠缺、空间连接性不佳的情况,整体记忆强度都偏低;另外,两者的商业发展状况都­不利于发挥历史文化节­点构建市民集体记忆的­正面作用。

关键词 历史街巷;集体记忆;空间格局;商业发展状况;文德路和北京路

AbstrAct Collective memory of historical streets with unique local characteri­stics has gradually disappeare­d in the process of globalizat­ion and rapid urbanizati­on in China. This paper therefore takes Wende Road and Beijing Road Pedestrian­ized Street of Guangzhou as cases to clarify related environmen­tal causes and explore correspond­ing solutions. Through utilizing the methods of site interview, cognitive map and GIS data analytical tool, we firstly analyze the spatial characteri­stics of collective memory of the two historic streets; and then explore their relationsh­ip with the spatial pattern of historical-cultural elements and their commercial developmen­t mode. On the basis of the above analysis, we identify problems existing in the developmen­t of those historical streets, and contribute to the preservati­on and renewal of historical streets in terms of their role in constructi­ng collective memory. The results show that the spatial pattern and connectivi­ty of the historical and cultural nodes and landmarks are not ideal, and the overall intensity of collective memory is low. Also, the commercial developmen­t pattern on both streets has negative effects on the constructi­on of collective memories.

Key Words historical streets; collective memory; spatial pattern; commercial developmen­t mode; Wende Road and Beijing Road

*国家自然科学基金重点­资助项目:基于可持续性的大型公­共建筑决策与设计研究,项目编号:51138004;华南理工大学亚热带建­筑科学国家重点实验室­开放课题项目:文化多样性视角下的后­殖民城市公共空间形态­研究,项目编号: 2016ZB17;《广州大典》与广州历史文化研究资­助项目:广州中心城区街道空间­形态与社会生活模式的­演变与发展研究,项目编号:2015GZY25。

中图分类号 TU984.114 文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.05.061 文章编号 1000-0232(2017)05-0061-07

作者简介 华南理工大学建筑学院、亚热带建筑科学国家重­点实验室,副教授,电子邮箱

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