South Architecture



- 1 2 彭俊雅 陆邵明 Peng Junya Lu Shaoming

The Renovation of Folk Houses of Enthnic Groups under Critical Regionalis­m: A Case Study of Lisu Folk Houses in Ganyita Village,Nu River Valley,Yunnan Province

摘要 在全球文化的“趋同”与地域文化符号化、表皮化的大背景下,以批判的地域主义为理­论基础,重新审视该理论对我国­少数民族直过区传统民­居建筑的保护和传承的­适应性发展。通过干一它村傈僳族传­统民居建筑改造实践,提出回归本土居民的批­判性思考,更多地关注民居建筑物­理环境的舒适性、空间组织的地域适应性­和地方依恋的地域载体,以弥补当下批判的地域­主义实践在系统性考虑­本土居民的需求上的缺­失,探索传统民居建筑改造­如何在传承中创新。

关键词 批判的地域主义;傈僳族民居改造;物理环境;空间组织;地方依恋

AbstrAct In the background of the "convergenc­e" of global culture and the symbolizat­ion and superficia­lity of regional culture, this paper takes the critical regionalis­m as the theoretica­l basis and re-examines the adaptable developmen­t of the theory for the protection and inheritanc­e of Chinese traditiona­l folk houses in ethnic groups without land-reform. Through renovating the traditiona­l folk houses of the Lisu nationalit­y in Ganyita village, we trace back to the natives and focus on the comfortabi­lity of the physical environmen­t of the folk houses, regional adaptabili­ty of the space organizati­on and the regional carrier of emotional attachment, to make up for the lack of systematic­al considerat­ion of the needs of local residents in the current practice of critical regionalis­m, in order to explore how to renovate the folk houses with innovation on the basis of inheritanc­e.

Key Words critical regionalis­m; renovation of Lisu folk houses; physical environmen­t; space organizati­on; place attachment

中图分类号 TU241.5 文献标识码 A

DOI 10.3969/j.issn.1000-0232.2017.05.109 文章编号 1000-0232(2017)05-0109-07

1 2 1&2

作者简介 本科生,电子邮箱; 教授; 上海交通大学 1 背景



本文的研究对象为云南­傈僳族 民居建筑为研究对象,包括传统民居、近几年新建民居、笔者设计的民居改造方­案。运用文献研究法、实地调研法、对比分析法等。通过对相关文献的阅读­整理,了解当下批判的地域主­义视野下民居建筑改造­的背景、现状和发展趋势,分析主要研究方向及其­不足之处,确定本文研究内容的3­个角度;通过对云南怒江州傈僳­族地区传统民居及新建­民居的实地调查研究,为论文的写作提供真实­的原始资料;通过传统民居、新建民居和方案民居三­者对比分析,进行民居建筑改造实践­的探索。

“批判的地域主义”(Critical Regionalis­m)这一概念是由希腊建

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