South China Morning Post



(Feb 20-Mar 20) It is time to show the world what you can do. The new solar year will inspire you to pursue excellence. Over the next few weeks you will get many chances to shine – but you won’t just shine, you’ll dazzle!


(Mar 21-April 20) The next few weeks won’t be easy, but that doesn’t mean they have to be hard. A lot depends on your attitude – especially your willingnes­s to rise to a challenge rather than be intimidate­d by it.


(April 21-May 21) The sun in Pisces will boost your self-esteem and put you in touch with people who support your quest to be different. It may seem the powers that be are against you but that will only inspire you to fight harder.


(May 22-June 21) The solar focus on your chart’s midheaven makes this an important time. At work you will get the chance to shine and you must seize it and use the opportunit­y as if it were a once-in-a-blue-moon deal.


(June 22-July 23) The sun’s change of signs will lead to a broadening of your horizons. Ideas that never meant much to you will capture your imaginatio­n. Some may be a bit wild but what matters is you are using your mind.


(July 24-Aug 23) You’ll ask yourself serious questions this week. And you’ll no longer be satisfied with superficia­l explanatio­ns – you’ll want to know what’s going on behind the scenes. The truth is out there – somewhere!


(Aug 24-Sept 23) Find ways to cooperate with everyone you meet whether you know them or not. We all have a good side and a bad side but the good is stronger, especially if encouraged. Let people know you like them.


(Sept 24-Oct 23) Even if you are a Libran who is a creature of habit you are also capable of adapting to changing circumstan­ces. So don’t get uptight if higher forces disrupt your routine. It might work out in your favour.


(Oct 24-Nov 22) This week marks the start of a busy time. You may even find it hard to catch your breath. So what! Deep down you know that if you make that extra effort now you will reap the rewards in the future.


(Nov 23-Dec 21) At times you will feel the world is against you but nothing could be further from the truth. It is just that the sun, focusing on your emotions, is making you more touchy than usual. Just stay calm and count to 10.


(Dec 22-Jan 20) You will be on the move in the weeks ahead but for now, stay where you are and collect your thoughts in preparatio­n for the busy phase about to begin. Once you start you won’t want, or be able, to stop.


(Jan 21-Feb 19) The focus of your life is about to change, maybe a little, maybe a lot. One thing that will change is your money situation, which has been less than healthy of late. So no more luxuries – it is now essentials only.

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