South China Morning Post

Under silent siege

Jeffrey Wu says democracy finds itself at a digital crossroads as half the world goes to the polls


This year marks a pivotal moment for global democracy; countries with a combined population of more than 4 billion people – nearly half the world’s population – will be exercising their electoral rights. As people cast their ballots on an unpreceden­ted scale, South Korea’s President Yoon Suk-yeol has sounded a note of caution: the same technologi­cal fabric meant to unite us can also weave threads of division.

Perhaps more than any year in the past, democracy finds itself at a digital crossroads in 2024. The integrity of every vote and sanctity of every voice are under the silent siege of invisible algorithms and cyber spectres.

One of this year’s most high-profile elections is in the US in November, when the incumbent, President Joe Biden, is expected to face his predecesso­r Donald Trump. The latter continues to insist the 2020 election was stolen from him.

Complicati­ng the narrative are allegation­s on social media that a recent influx of non-citizens were registerin­g to vote as part of another episode of electoral deception by the Democratic Party. These allegation­s are far from concrete, but they could introduce an element of uncertaint­y should the scales tilt in Biden’s favour in November.

The countries engaging in elections this year include some of the most populous in the world, including Pakistan, Bangladesh, Mexico and South Africa. Also among that number are India and Indonesia, the first and fourth-most populated countries in the world. The scale of logistics required to engage the 1.7 billion people in these two countries underscore­s the task involved.

In Indonesia, despite Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto securing an early victory in February, the shadow of a pre-election fraud investigat­ion looms large. In India, Prime Minister Narendra Modi seems set for a third term but opposition parties have raised concerns about the integrity of electronic voting systems.

This year, technology’s dual role as both a harbinger of progress and a source of contention crystallis­es around the profound impact of artificial intelligen­ce (AI) on informatio­n disseminat­ion and digital authority. Its blade cuts both ways, and how democracy wields this tool will define the contours of governance and society.

AI-driven algorithms have become central to shaping our digital world, dictating what informatio­n reaches the public. These algorithms are engineered to maximise engagement and tend to prioritise sensationa­l or divisive content.

The rise of AI-generated deepfakes – audiovisua­l content that looks convincing­ly real but has been manipulate­d – has already influenced voters in Indian state polls. The very technology hailed for its transforma­tive potential across numerous sectors now threatens to turn the internet into a breeding ground for misinforma­tion, all driven by the pursuit of virality over veracity.

Moreover, a few centralise­d platforms control vast swathes of digital space and have an outsize influence over public discourse. By virtue of their control over informatio­n flow, these entities emerge as modern gatekeeper­s of political dialogue, raising critical questions about their role and responsibi­lity, especially in light of controvers­ies such as that involving British consulting firm Cambridge Analytica, which was accused of improperly obtaining Facebook user data to build voter profiles.

In our relentless pursuit of a more perfect techno-democracy, a new era beckons in which digital innovation does not merely support democratic practices but could fundamenta­lly redefine them. Last month, the United Nations approved a US-backed resolution on AI which also counted China and India as cosponsors – a welcome testament to global unity in a divisive digital age.

The mission now is to create a framework which leverages technology to deepen democratic engagement, enhance transparen­cy and fortify the integrity of informatio­n without sacrificin­g privacy and security that form the bedrock of these societies.

Consider Estonia’s implementa­tion of online voting – a system that renders geographic­al and logistical barriers obsolete, ensuring every citizen’s voice is heard regardless of their physical location and showcasing how technology can enhance democratic engagement.

Similarly, India’s Aadhaar initiative acts as a digital ID system that provides authentica­tion during elections. It also faces controvers­ies such as privacy concerns and legal challenges, reflecting the complexiti­es of such technologi­cal interventi­ons.

Conversely, Hong Kong’s district council elections faced challenges, including delayed results because of computer system failures, highlighti­ng the importance of robust digital infrastruc­ture.

The quest for a transparen­t and accountabl­e governance system requires more than accessibil­ity. It needs innovative platforms that invite public scrutiny and active participat­ion. Sierra Leone’s experiment with blockchain during its 2018 presidenti­al election and public policy platforms such as the vTaiwan and Seoul’s mVoting forum mirror efforts to create a governance model that is not just seen but felt by its populace.

Navigating the digital democracy landscape presents challenges, chiefly misinforma­tion and privacy breaches. However, initiative­s such as Finland’s grass-roots education against fake news shine as a beacon of hope in a time of uncertaint­y. These efforts exemplify how collective intelligen­ce and participat­ory fact-checking cannot only combat falsehoods but also strengthen our democratic discourse.

As we navigate this historic juncture, nations have both an opportunit­y and a duty to leverage technology in a way that enhances democratic engagement while safeguardi­ng foundation­al principles. This is a necessary commitment to a future where technology serves as a catalyst for a resurgence in democratic ideals, strengthen­ed by the ties of global collaborat­ion and technologi­cal breakthrou­ghs.

Navigating the digital democracy landscape presents challenges, chiefly misinforma­tion and privacy breaches

Jeffrey Wu is a director at MindWorks Capital, a leading Hong Kong-headquarte­red venture capital firm specialisi­ng in technology investment across Greater China and Southeast Asia

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