The World of Chinese



Rabbit and Ox? It's not exactly a天作之合( ti`nzu7 zh~ h9, a match made in heaven). He may have seemed steady when you first met, but he'll turn out as stubborn as, well, an ox. And you? You are too timid to challenge him. More bad news: Ill feng shui awaits you as a Rabbit in the Year of the Rooster due to犯太岁( f3n t3isu#, offending Tai Sui, or God of the planet Jupiter). Your husband, on the contrary, will have 吉星高照( j!x~ng g`zh3o, a lucky star shining overhead). He will receive 贵人相助( gu#r9n xi`ng zh&, an auspicious person offering help), and it will be a year when his事业上升 ( sh#y- sh3ngsh8ng, enterprise rises). I also see a bit of桃花( t1ohu`, peach blossom, referring to romantic affairs) in his near future. I think the signs are clear: He will get a big promotion, make a lot of money, and dump you. You'd better prepare for that. The heavenly cycles don't lie.

Got questions for our Agony Ayi? Send them to agonyayi@ theworldof­

(BUT YOU PROBABLY WON'T LIKE THEM) I am a Rabbit and my husband is an Ox. Can you tell me our fortune in the coming Year of the Rooster? Zodiac Zelda

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