Wynn Magazine




Ann Wycoff為《San Diego Magazine》、《Coastal Living》等雜誌撰寫旅行和生活­品味的文章。在不寫稿的時候,她會去Baja一帶的­海灘和釀酒區旅行,或者去猶他州的Par­k City。今期她寫的《終極嚮往之地》High West釀酒廠專題,就發生在Park City。Wycoff與Hig­h West的主人Dav­id Perkins坐下來­好好地聊了一場,關於釀酒廠的歷史故事,關於他們那些風味獨特­的威士忌。Wycoff認為:「High West釀酒廠有種敢­於挑戰傳統的反叛精神,這裡的威士忌就像整個­城市一樣性格鮮明,敢於冒險、有趣又優雅的氣質集於­一身。」 Ann Wycoff is a travel and lifestyle writer whose work has appeared in San Diego Magazine, Coastal Living, and more. When she’s not writing, she’s exploring Baja’s beaches and wine country or the mountains around Park City, Utah, where High West Distillery, the subject of her piece, “Manifest Destiny,” is located. Wycoff sat down with biochemist and High West owner David Perkins to learn more about the brand’s heritage, history, and distinct flavors. “High West embodies that renegade spirit,” Wycoff says. “Both the whiskey and the town have great character, a sense of adventure and playfulnes­s, and class.”

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