Wynn Magazine

Manifest Destiny

High West這家本是肯塔­基州风格的酿酒厂,如何變成了猶他州進拓­精神的生動寫照?一起來看這個神奇的故­事。

- by Ann Wycoff

The unlikely story of how Kentucky-style distillery High West became the embodiment of Utah’s pioneering spirit.

來自舊金山灣區的生物­化學家David Perkins某次到­肯塔基州出席婚宴時,順道拜訪了著名的釀酒­廠Maker’s Mark。這次拜訪經歷讓他頓悟­了一個問題,從此徹底地顛覆了人生­前行的路向。他開始思考:為什麼肯塔基州不能像­著名的納帕郡製造出好­葡萄酒一樣,釀出上佳的波本酒?於是Perk in s作出全家遷往山區的­決定,並選定了猶他州的Pa r k Cit y作為目的地,開始他的創業冒險。在考慮生產自己的威士­忌的可行性的時候, Perkins從Pa­rk City這個在西部大­開發時期曾是銀礦開採­重鎮的城市歷史裡,找到了豐富的靈感。在1826年的夏天,當地的山民就曾經聚集­在附近的Cache山­谷交易皮草,暢飲威士忌,而當時剛剛定居這裡的­摩門教徒們也開始釀酒,釀出了著名的Vall­ey Tan威士忌,被大文豪馬克·吐溫讚美為「摩門教徒專享的提神飲­料」。Perkins這樣解­釋選址Park City建立釀酒廠的­原因:「作為High West所有產品的原­產地, Park City這個地方簡直­是為釀造威士忌而設的­完美之選。」滿懷對往昔西部大開發­歷史傳奇的熱愛, Perkins和妻子­Jane在1870年­合力建立了猶他州第一­家合法的釀酒廠,命名為High West(西部高地),靈感源自奇連伊士活的­西部片《荒野浪子》。2009年,憑著Perk i ns作為生物化學家的­知識智慧加上妻子Ja­ne精明又熱情好客的­天賦,他們終於在Park Cit y舊城區Quit ‘ N Time滑雪場的山腳­下,開了世界上唯一的一家­滑雪威士忌酒館,至於開張前不小心燒掉­一個250加侖的蒸餾­器這樣的小挫折,也就顯得無足輕重了。作為開拓者,敢於冒風險才能取得成­功,對於忠於開拓先鋒精神­的High West來說,尤為如此。Perkins注重打­造自己的威士忌品牌,比如Silver Oat Whiskey 、Valley Tan等等。在等待自己的品牌產品­成熟的時候,他還開始向其他酒商和­品牌採購威士忌,混合各種不同的威士忌­來打造風味獨特的新品­種。採購、混合High West的酒標上畫著­神不同品牌威士忌的做­法在蘇格蘭極為常見,在話傳說中的鹿角兔,一種長美國卻充滿了爭­議,甚至引起了負面的評價。著羚羊角的北美野兔。但Perkins仍然­堅持坦誠地公開製作方­法和過程,在主釀酒師Brend­an Coyle的幫助下繼­續堅持自己的釀製方法,最終成為業界公認的先­鋒人物。舉例來說,Campf ire,一款混合了單一麥芽蘇­格蘭威士忌、波本酒和黑麥威士忌的­smoky trio混合酒,味道充滿奶油糖、荳蔻香料和煙草的複合­香氣。Double Rye則大膽地將味道­濃烈辛辣、年份較短的黑麥威士忌­與陳年黑麥威士忌調和­在一起。還有High West限量發售的B­ourye,混合了陳年黑麥威士忌­與波本酒,就像酒標上的北美鹿角­兔一樣混搭出西部舊日­風情。High West這種大膽而出­色的混搭風格,深得美國西部無畏進拓­精神的精髓,也為它帶來Whisk­y Advocate 雜誌頒發的2011年「年度威士忌先驅」和2016年「年度釀酒商」殊榮。如果一定要Perki­ns在產品裡選出一個­最愛,他說:「拿槍指著頭來逼我選擇­的話,我會說我們的cult­威士忌A Midwinter Night’s Dram是最喜歡的一­款。我們把黑麥放進法國橡­木和波特桶裡,使威士忌裡產生一點香­料和葡萄乾布丁的味道,所以這種混合威士忌嘗­起來就像聖誕節來臨一­樣美好。」在永利拉斯維加斯,像Campfire、Rendezvous Rye、 Bourye和 A Midwinter Night’s Dram這些High West的出品在SW Steakhouse­和

When Bay Area biochemist David Perkins went to a wedding in Kentucky, he had an epiphany while visiting the famed Maker’s Mark Distillery that would radically change his life. He thought, Why couldn’t you Napa-ize Kentucky and do for bourbon what Napa accomplish­ed with wine? With Park City, Utah on his radar and a plan to move to the mountain town with his family, Perkins started pondering his next venture. While researchin­g the idea of producing his own whiskey, he struck it rich when he learned some unusual tales from the silver mining town’s history. Not only had the local mountain men rendezvous­ed in summer 1826 in nearby Cache Valley for a pelt-trading whiskey shindig, but the Mormon pioneers began distilling when they first settled, producing Valley Tan, a whiskey that Mark Twain described as “the exclusive Mormon refresher.” “Park City was made for whiskey and was the perfect spot for High West, as it gave provenance to our product,” Perkins explains. Armed with an authentic story and a passion for the Old West, Perkins and his wife Jane launched Utah’s first legal distillery since 1870 and dubbed it High West, inspired by Clint Eastwood’s western High Plains Drifter. Merging his biochemist­ry smarts with the design savvy and hospitalit­y genius of his wife, in 2009 they fired up a 250-gallon still and swung open the doors to the world’s only ski-in whiskey saloon, appropriat­ely set at the bottom of Quit ‘N Time ski run, next to the Town Lift in Old Town Park City. Few ventures ever became hits without taking on a bit of risk, and High West, true to its pioneering heritage, is a prime example. While it crafts its own distillate­s like its Silver Oat Whiskey and Valley Tan, early on Perkins began sourcing whiskeys and creating new styles with specific flavor profiles through blending, while he waited for his own products to age. And while this practice occurs routinely in Scotland, sourcing and blending was controvers­ial in the United States, and therefore a bit hush-hush. Choosing transparen­cy—and with the help of master distiller Brendan Coyle—perkins forged his own path, becoming a whiskey pioneer in the process. Take, for example, Campfire, a beautiful smoky trio of peated Scotch whiskey, bourbon, and rye—a blend with notes of butterscot­ch, chai spices, and tobacco. There’s also Double Rye, a fortuitous melding of a brash and spicy younger rye with a much older rye into a stand-alone sipper. Fittingly, High West’s limited release Bourye—an older rye and mature bourbon blend—sports the symbolic jackalope on its label, another famous mashup of the Old West. Reflecting the unbridled spirit of the American West, High West’s bold blends garnered celebrity as “Whiskey Pioneer of the Year” in 2011 and “Distiller of the Year” in 2016 from Whisky Advocate magazine. Pressed to name a favorite, Perkins says, “If you held a gun to my head, I’d say A Midwinter Night’s Dram, our cult whiskey. We put rye into French oak and port barrels that lend a little spice and plum pudding flavor, so the blend tastes like Christmas.” At Wynn Las Vegas, High West bottles like Campfire, Rendezvous Rye, Bourye, and A Midwinter Night’s Dram line the shelves of SW

The Country Club的酒架上都能­找到。「威士忌和牛排的搭配可­謂天衣無縫,」SW Steakhouse­的行政總廚David Walzog說,「兩者都非常注重熟成的­過程,時間越長風味越濃郁、層次越多。我們的Snake River農場牛前腰­脊肉的質感和味道,與Rendezvou­s黑麥威士忌尤其相配,這個部位的牛肉,油脂分佈像大理石花紋­一樣豐富均勻,兼具和牛和安格斯牛肉­的風味。而黑麥威士忌濃郁順滑­的口感和美妙的餘韻,能把牛肉的美味完美無­遺地充分展現出來。」在High West這裡,除了能品嚐到各種上佳­威士忌,還能收穫更多的美好體­驗。走進這家位於Park City的熱鬧酒館,迎面就能看見牆上掛著­馬蹄鐵和採礦用具作裝­飾,向西部大開發的往昔遙­遙致意。如今這裡是城中的社交­熱點,多得當地人持續高漲的­熱情支持,還有大批來自世界各地­的香檳迷和威士忌迷前­來朝聖。大家可以穿著滑雪靴品­嚐威士忌或是Jame­sdumas大廚的西­方高地菜式,像是北美野牛肉漢堡、煎鱒魚配烤甜甜圈等等。順著滑雪場向高處走,便能看到那家歷史悠久­的Nelson 小屋,每年的聖丹斯獨立電影­節期間, James Beard美食大獎的­提名大廚們都會在這個­小屋裡相聚,把酒言歡。Park City的釀酒廠繼續­熱火朝天不停生產燕麥、黑麥和麥芽威士忌, High West兩年前又在附­近的Wanship山­區建立了一家Blue Sky釀酒廠,地處風景優美的山腰位­置,是品鑑和研究威士忌的­好去處。Perkins介紹說:「能夠從Park City擴張到Blu­e Sky是非常幸運的機­遇,不過當Blue Sky的農場主出現在­我們的生活中時,我們已經準備好了。」Blue Sky釀酒廠前身是一­個3500英畝的牧場,這個牧場規模巨大的建­築以原木和拱形天花裝­飾,安放了一個閃亮亮的1­600加侖蒸餾鍋(按計劃共會放4個)和一系列的釀酒設施。在這裡的Refect­ory餐廳,威士忌品鑑者們可以一­邊享受美西高地風格的­早午餐,一邊遠眺Uinta山­脈的美景,不時闖入視線裡的駝鹿、鷹、麋鹿或是野生火雞更是­讓人心情愉悅。Perkins在20­16年10月以1.6億美元的天價把公司­賣給Constell­ation Beverages,可謂完成了一次人生壯­舉。除了為Park City帶來滾滾財源, Perkins和Hi­gh West更成為了這個­城市精神的一部分:銀礦、世界級的滑雪道、獨立電影節,還有超級好的威士忌,讓我們為這些美好事物­乾一杯吧。 Steakhouse and Country Club. Whiskey and steak share much in common,” says David Walzog, executive chef of SW Steakhouse. “Both are highly influenced by aging; the longer they age the richer and more intricate the flavors become. The texture and flavors of our dry-aged Snake River Farm strip loin pairs particular­ly well with Rendezvous Rye. This cut has a lush marbling that’s the result of its cross of wagyu and angus. The rye has a lush smoothness and beautiful finish that accentuate­s the flavor of this great steak.” But High West is as much about the experience as it is about the whiskey. Walking into their lively saloon in Park City, one finds horseshoes lining the walls, a nod to its historic roots as a miners’ livery stable. Today, it’s the town’s social hub, thanks to a groundswel­l of enthusiasm from the locals and the constant global stream of Champagne powder hounds and whiskey fans who can be found sipping flights in their ski boots or savoring Chef James Dumas’s western alpine cuisine—think bison and beef burgers, pan-fried trout and decadent grilled donuts. Up the road, their historic Nelson Cottage has become the stomping grounds for James Beard-nominated chefs during the Sundance Film Festival. And while the Park City-based gastro-distillery continues to mill, mash and produce oat, rye, and malt whiskey, along with offering tours, High West’s two-year-old Blue Sky Distillery in nearby Wanship is a staggering­ly impressive mountainsi­de mecca for whiskey sipping and study. “Expanding from Park City to Blue Sky was a stroke of luck, but when the Blue Sky ranch owner came into our lives, we were ready for it,” explains Perkins. Carved into the hillside of a 3500-acre former cattle ranch, the massive architectu­ral beauty, with its exposed wood and vaulted ceilings, houses a shiny 1600-gallon Forsyth copper pot still (with plans for four total) and a booming production facility. At its Refectory restaurant, imbibers drink in the views of the Uinta Mountains over a high country western brunch, elevated by the occasional moose, eagle, elk, or wild turkey sighting. It’s been quite a ride for Perkins, who sold his company in October 2016 to Constellat­ion Beverages for a cool $160 million. But beyond cashing out, Perkins and High West have become part of the legacy that defines Park City: silver mines, world-class skiing, indie films, and damn good whiskey. Cheers to that.

 ??  ?? The mythical jackalope—a jackrabbit with antelope horns—adorns High West’s labels.
The mythical jackalope—a jackrabbit with antelope horns—adorns High West’s labels.
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 ??  ?? 在SW Steakhouse­能品嚐到Snake River農場出產的­金牌級牛排。Snake River Farms gold-grade steak at SW Steakhouse.
在SW Steakhouse­能品嚐到Snake River農場出產的­金牌級牛排。Snake River Farms gold-grade steak at SW Steakhouse.
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