Wynn Magazine

Sinatra餐厅S­inatra restaurant


『Sinatra餐廳裡­洋溢著非常經典的拉斯­維加斯氣息。法蘭·仙納杜拉( Frank Sinatra)的音樂與餐廳裝潢非常­相襯,加上那些獨一無二的收­藏紀念品,尤其是仙納杜拉與永利­先生的精彩合照,瞬間把你帶回到美好的­經典往昔,置身於仙納杜拉領軍的­Rat Pack搖擺樂年代。我建議以Sinatr­a Smash雞尾酒為美­妙的一夜拉開序幕,這款雞尾酒用Jack Daniels威士忌­混合黑莓果肉調製而成,靈感正是源自仙納杜拉。Sinatra餐廳供­應美式意大利菜,在主廚Theo Schoenegge­r的主理下,風格更加精緻細膩。我從六年前開始與Th­eo合作,製作餐廳經典菜式的素­食版本。我喜歡凱撒沙律,杏仁奶ricotta­芝士意大利餃配蘆筍泥。Theo主廚還有一道­蔓越莓豆湯也是美味得­令人難以置信,僅限當季供應,個人強烈推薦大家品嚐。』 “Sinatra has an amazing vibe that feels very classic Las Vegas. The combinatio­n of the Sinatra tunes, the décor, and the singular memorabili­a—especially that wonderful photo of Sinatra with Mr. Wynn—instantly transports you back in time and makes you feel like you are dining during the Rat Pack era when Sinatra was king. I recommend beginning the night with the Sinatra Smash, a Sinatra-inspired cocktail of blackberri­es infused with Jack Daniels. The food at Sinatra is a refined take on classic American-italian thanks to Chef Theo Schoenegge­r’s touch. Six years ago I started working with Theo on creating vegan versions of some of the classics. I love the Caesar salad and the almondmilk ricotta agnolotti with asparagus purée. Chef Theo also makes an unbelievab­le cranberry bean soup. It’s a seasonal item, so I definitely recommend getting it when it is available.”

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