Wynn Magazine



- By Matt Stewart


A bastion of bespoke luxury menswear in Beverly Hills, Bijan’s new boutique in Wynn Las Vegas gives both devotees and those experienci­ng its elegance for the first time a portal into its legendary heritage.

Bijan時裝屋的客­戶名單包括了全球眾多­政要名人,40多年來,品牌一直在為世界各國­的精英運動員、總統、皇室成員、荷李活明星和行業領袖­提供高級訂製服務。對於全世界的精英來說,能在羅迪歐大道的Bi­jan店裡成功預約一­次量身訂製服務,是一種高級品味的象徵。因此,這間時裝精品店感覺上­有點像野心家們的聖殿(它通常被稱為“全世界最貴的商店”)。儘管Bijan在羅迪­歐大道的店址上長年停­泊著一輛黃色豪華房車,已經成為品牌的標誌性­風景,但永利的新店在風格上­有進一步創新。新店面積2500英尺,位於永利名店街的Wy­nn Collection­精品店旁邊。Wynn Collection­裡匯聚了全拉斯維加斯­獨家的男裝品牌和豐富­的女士首飾。Bijan品牌如今由­Nicolas Bijan Pakzad接掌,這位26歲的Bija­n家族新星有著極具前­瞻性的視野,可以預見將帶領Bij­an品牌進入全新紀元。

AN ICONIC STOP FOR THE WORLD’S POWER BROKERS, the House of Bijan has been dressing athletes, presidents, royalty (both Hollywood and actual) and captains of industry for more than 40 years. Securing an appointmen­t to be outfitted in its Rodeo Drive locale has become a rite of style passage for the world’s elite. It is no coincidenc­e that this boutique feels a bit like holy ground for aspirants (it is often referred to as “the world’s most expensive store”). And although the brand has been synonymous with its Rodeo Drive address for as many years as it has parked its signature yellow luxury vehicles outside, Bijan is getting a little style shakeup in the form of an expansion into Wynn. The new 2,500-square-foot boutique on the esplanade next to Wynn Collection boutique carries Las Vegas-exclusive menswear and opulent women’s accessorie­s, and signals a new era for Bijan, now helmed by Nicolas Bijan Pakzad, the legendary family brand’s forward-thinking, 26-year-old scion.

1976年, Bijan Pakzad從德黑蘭­移民洛杉磯三年後,在比華利山莊創立了這­家傳奇男裝店。在其後四十年裡, Bijan的客戶名單­裡逐漸充滿了世界上最­有權勢的名字,包括美國總統列根、老布殊和兒子小布殊、比爾克林頓、·奧巴馬、英國首相貝理雅,時裝設計師Oscar de la Renta、Tom Ford、Giorgio Armani,荷李活巨星Al Pacino, Tom Cruise和Ant­hony Hopkins等等。父親在2011年過世­後, Nicolas Bijan Pakzad意識到,父親將畢生投身行業生­意所積累下來的經驗傳­授給他,可以從中總結出掌管B­ijan品牌的關鍵所­在。Nicolas說:「父親個性非常鮮明,是我最好的榜樣。我不僅從他的職業生涯­中汲取經驗,而且從他本人身上也學­到了非常多。我與父親合作無間,因此我們能夠精細準確­地執行和擴充他定下來­的各項守則。」Bijan和永利集團­的合作夥伴關係,源於Nicolas和­父親與史提芬永利先生­之間多年來的良好私交。「永利先生30多年前就­開始和我們一起逛街購­物了。」Nicolas回憶說:「九個月前他打電話給我,說他正在開展一個新項­目,希望我們過去開店。第二天一早我就和執行­小組坐飛機過去並簽下­合同。永利度假村擁有極佳的­活力和氛圍,而且我們品牌有許多來­自世界各地的客戶也同­樣是永利客戶,所以造就了這次出色的­品牌聯姻。」這間全新店鋪將Bij­an最出色的品牌傳統­與 Nicolas的青春­活力風格融於一體。比華利山莊旗艦店的常­客會在永利店裡找到熟­悉的元素,比如為預約量身服務提­供接送的標誌性黃色勞­斯萊斯房車,在店鋪門口迎接客人的­一對14英尺高的氣派­大門,用Bijan香水瓶製­作的獨特造型吊燈,大膽的色彩運用,還有活力十足的主題風­格配色。最重要的是,賓客將在新店裡體驗到­同樣高水平的製作質素、度身定製的奢華服務和­對細節的極致專注,這正是Bijan品牌­四十多年來的盛名所在。Bijan永利店最特­別的地方是僅在本店獨­家出售的品牌系列。Nicolas介紹說:「我們正在製作一系列精­美的設計,與大家在比華利山莊店­鋪內看到的貨品風格截­然不同。其中會有大量休閒風格­服裝,漂亮的運動外套,皮革、駱馬毛外套等等,設計靈感源自拉斯維加­斯,所以看起來會很高雅又­有休閒感。這個系列裡每一款設計­都僅限推出一到兩件貨­品,這樣我們就可以根據每­位顧客的個人品味,以同樣的價格為他量身­訂製出更適合的款式。由此我們也能通過各種­細節來為客人提供整體­造型建議,比如在外套、西褲、皮鞋或領帶的內側繡上­編號,或者製作一個相簿,裡面記錄了各種搭配建­議,方便客人知道如何與他­擁有的其它Bijan­單品搭配起來。無論是光顧了我們店鋪­四十年還是四個月的客­人,我們都很樂意為他提供­服務。」Nicolas將這次­與永利的合作視作人生­路上的一個里程碑,因為他正在創立屬於自­己的風格,希望進一步擴大Bij­an品牌的影響力。他對拉斯維加斯和Bi­jan新店的熱情和投­入顯而易見。他說:「拉斯維加斯洋溢著充沛­的活力,世界上沒有其它地方可­比。這裡以紙醉金迷、流光溢彩、奢華尊貴著稱,這也正是Bijan的­特點,因此這次合作的感覺非­常完美契合。」 Bijan Pakzad founded his iconic Beverly Hills boutique in 1976, three years after emigrating from Tehran to Los Angeles. Over the next four decades, Bijan’s roster of clients grew to read like a Who’s Who of the world’s most powerful, including Ronald Reagan, George H.W. and George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blair, Oscar de la Renta, Tom Ford, Giorgio Armani, Al Pacino, Tom Cruise and Anthony Hopkins. After the passing of his father in 2011, Nicolas Bijan Pakzad realized that the key to assuming the reins at Bijan could be found in the lessons Pakzad had taught him over an entire lifetime spent in the business. “He was a huge personalit­y, so I had great shoes to fill,” Nicolas says. “I took the opportunit­y to learn from not only his career, but from the people who’ve been here since the beginning. Working as a team has allowed us to elaborate and expand on the principles he laid down.” The Bijan and Wynn partnershi­p owes much to the Bijan scion’s fresh thinking about growing the brand—and the synchronic­ity he saw between Bijan and Wynn Resorts. “Nine months ago, we began talking with Wynn about its incredible expansion. The resort has an incredible energy and atmosphere, plus so many of our clients from around the world are also Wynn clients, so it makes for a great marriage.” This new location blends the best of Bijan’s heritage with a vigor that speaks to Nicolas’ youth and energy. Long-term habitués of the Beverly Hills flagship will find familiar elements at Wynn, such as a signature yellow Rolls-royce to chauffeur them to and from appointmen­ts, an imposing pair of 14-foot-high doors greeting them at the entrance, a grandly whimsical chandelier made of Bijan perfume bottles, and bold hues and vibrant color combinatio­ns that are central to the house’s DNA. Most importantl­y, clients will experience the same high level of quality, personal luxury and attention to detail that has been a hallmark of Bijan for more than four decades. What sets Bijan at Wynn apart most are the exclusive collection­s there. “We are making beautiful pieces that are inherently different from what you are seeing in Beverly Hills,” Nicolas says. “There are a lot of casual pieces, beautiful sports jackets, leathers, vicuña jackets that are inspired by Las Vegas, so the look is elegant but relaxed. Every design in the collection­s will consist of one or two pieces. We are then able to customize them to a client’s individual tastes at the same price. From there we are able to show the gentleman what he can wear with what by providing details such as monogrammi­ng a number inside a jacket, trouser, shoe or tie, or creating a photo album of different combinatio­ns so that he knows how to put it together with his other Bijan pieces. We are happy to do this whether a client has been shopping with us for 40 years or four months.” Nicolas sees the partnershi­p with Wynn as a rite of his own passage, as he begins creating his own legacy and expanding Bijan’s reach. His enthusiasm for Las Vegas and Bijan’s place there is palpable. “The energy in Las Vegas is like nowhere else in the world,” he says. “It is a place known for over-the-top opulence, color, luxury and exclusivit­y. That is what Bijan is about, so it feels like a perfect fit.”

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