Howler Magazine

Nikki During


December 24, 2019

If you would've told me a year ago — hell, even six months ago — that I would be doing one of my dream jobs, I would've laughed at you. But here I am! I've completed the layout and design for my second Howler issue and all I can say is WOW. I love this "job" so much. And I put “job” in quotations because it doesn't feel like one at all. How does the saying go? Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

That's exactly how I feel. Yes, my job is stressful, but only in moments. I never wake up and wish I didn't have to go to work. My work time is flexible and 100% accommodat­ing to my needs. Have I ever mentioned that I get to do it all from the beach in Costa Rica?!

Six months ago, I struggled to come to work four days a week in a job that had to be done in the office. It was toxic, I was over it and I was actively looking for something else. Then everything changed. The responsibi­lity of Howler’s Creative/Art Director sort of fell in my lap and I haven't looked back since.

It's been amazing to go through my process of designing a magazine and comparing it to how the person before me worked. I look back now and knowing what I know, I'm genuinely baffled on why the person before me was so stressed about this.

Neverthele­ss, I am so happy and give a huge thank you to our team at Howler Mag. You guys rock and we killed it this time! And thank you, John, for taking a chance on me for this position. I feel blessed and can't wait to see what the next six months bring to us.

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