Cyprus Today

Kuşkor to hold birding trip


THE Society for the Protection of Birds and Nature (Kuşkor) will be holding a birding trip next Saturday, November 7.

The trip will cover the Balıkesir pools and Kanlıdere, Kukla wetlands, Gazimağusa wetlands, Boğaz coast fish pools and, time permitting, Gönendere and Geçitkale reservoirs, Kuşkor said.

The cost of the trip is 50TL for Kuşkor members and 65TL for non-members.

Those attending should meet at Şah Supermarke­t in Çatalköy at 8am and be dressed according to the weather forecast, wearing a face mask and bring something to eat and drink, optics and a camera and any other necessary equipment.

The recommende­d transport is “vehicle share/convoy, with vehicle occupants sharing the mileage cost of designated drivers, and VHF communicat­ions between vehicles”.

“If you prefer to stay in your own car for health reasons that is of course fine,” a Kuşkor statement said.

For bookings contact Gavin Croucher on or 0533 866 2890.

Kuşkor spokesman Robin Snape said: “It has been 10 years that we have been running these trips and unfortunat­ely, due to the pandemic, we decided to cut them back. But as [Covid-19] cases seem stable we decided it was important to get out and survey the birds this winter.

“The trips are open to individual­s of any age or ability. They are a great way for anyone with an interest in nature to get to know some of the 400-plus bird species that can be found on the island and to develop their bird identifica­tion skills and knowledge.

“One thing that participan­ts consistent­ly mention is that, through the trips, they are introduced to new areas of the island.

“As well as the fun of participat­ing in the trips, they also provide Kuşkor a structured framework under which to organise its site surveys.

“And by training and encouragin­g local birders, who then go out and observe and report birds themselves, a great deal of informatio­n is provided that can then be used to support conservati­on of habitats and sites in collaborat­ion with the TRNC authoritie­s.”

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