Cyprus Today

Candidates vie for UBP leadership


FIVE candidates are vying to become the next leader of the National Unity Party (UBP) in a vote today.

The leadership contest has come about after the former leader and ex-prime minister Ersin Tatar became the new TRNC President this month.

The five MPs hoping to become the new head of the UBP, the biggest party in Parliament, are: Faiz Sucuoğlu, Nazım Çavuşoğlu, Dursun Oğuz, Hasan Taçoy and Ünal Üstel.

They all handed in their official applicatio­ns to the UBP headquarte­rs in Lefkoşa on Monday, where they each made short statements.

Dr Sucuoğlu, the Labour and Social Security Minister, said: “The objective of my candidacy is to move the party forward. There are many projects ready in different fields. By taking radical decisions, we are aspiring to opening the way of the country and to bypass the economic crisis prevailing in the country.”

Mr Taçoy, the Economy and Energy Minister, said: “I have always given importance to the support of my immediate and extended family in the path towards the UBP leadership.

“I want support from my ‘family’ to take over this difficult role at this difficult period, to use it in the name of benefittin­g the community.”

Mr Çavuşoğlu, the National Education and Culture Minister, said: “We aren’t only electing a party political leader, we are also electing a Prime Minister.

“Rather than looking at the promises . . . I ask people to look at actions when making the evaluation on who to vote for.”

Former Tourism Minister Üstel said: “I believe I can bring the UBP to [power] without the need for a coalition, so that our country is not left without a government.”

Mr Oğuz, the Agricultur­e and Natural Resources Minister, said: “May the outcome [of the UBP leadership election] benefit our country.”

If no candidate gains more than 50 per cent of the UBP votes then a run-off will be held next Saturday.

The winner is then expected to be asked by President Tatar to form a new government, after the People’s Party ( HP) withdrew its coalition support from the UBP following Mr Tatar’s decision to open up part of Maraş in the run-up to the presidenti­al elections.

This week HP founder and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Kudret Özersay slammed Mr Tatar for failing to resign as prime minister at the time.

Speaking in Parliament, Dr Özersay said that President Tatar should have appointed an MP to form a government rather than waiting for the outcome of the UBP leadership race.

He added that the Council of Ministers “does not exist anymore”.

His views were shared by main opposition Republican Turkish Party leader Tufan Erhürman.

 ??  ?? Faiz Sucuoğlu
Nazım Çavuşoğlu
Hasan Taçoy Ünal Üstel
Dursun Oğuz
Faiz Sucuoğlu Nazım Çavuşoğlu Hasan Taçoy Ünal Üstel Dursun Oğuz

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