Cyprus Today

Trafficker gets 3 years


A MAN who helped bring 15 Syrians into the TRNC illegally has been jailed for three and half years.

Serhat Yenigün was found guilty of driving the refugees into North Cyprus after picking them up from the Küçükerenk­öy coast earlier this month.

The group had arrived in two boats from Mersin, Turkey, Gazimağusa Assize Court heard last Friday.

A panel of three judges headed by Fatma Şenol unanimousl­y convicted Mr Yenigün.

Judge Şenol said that the sentence was “fair”, taking into account mitigating circumstan­ces, but that that it should also serve as a “deterrent” to other human trafficker­s.

She said the sentence was possible due to a recent change in the law.

“Through an amendment made to the Penal Code in 2020, which envisage severe punishment­s for such crimes . . . of up to 10 years, a new era in the fight against human traffickin­g has begun,” she told the court.

Stating that human traffickin­g is a “global problem” that involves internatio­nal criminal networks, Judge Şenol said that the number of refugees arriving in the TRNC was increasing “day by day”.

Those trying to escape “harsh conditions” in their home countries were falling into the hands of “criminal organisati­ons” who left them in “desperate” situations, she added.

“Severe punishment­s for those who attempt to provide illegal entry to people into countries for material benefits is very important in the fight against such crimes,” the judge said.

“As Cyprus is an island, such crimes are mostly committed through the oldest method, which is by sea. In such traffickin­g, refugees face great risks and even losing their lives . . . such crimes are very difficult to detect.”

Judge Şenol called on the government to “take the necessary measures” and said that human traffickin­g victims should be “recognised and accepted as asylum seekers” so that their “fundamenta­l human rights are not violated”.

Referring to Mr Yenigün, the judge said that the “real culprits” had not been caught and that the defendant, a father of two with no previous conviction­s, had been “undergoing psychologi­cal treatment for two years” and had not made any “material gain” from his crime of “providing transporta­tion” for the trafficked Syrians.

Meanwhile police in Gazimağusa detained 12 Syrian men on Sunday evening after they entered the TRNC “illegally”. An investigat­ion was launched to establish how they arrived in the country.

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