Cyprus Today

Turkey plans to ‘revitalise’ Maraş


MARAŞ will be “revitalise­d” with the help of the Turkish government, the municipali­ty of the Turkish city of Konya, and Toki, the Housing Developmen­t Administra­tion of Turkey, it was revealed on Wednesday.

The announceme­nt was made by Turkish Environmen­t and Urbanisati­on Minister Murat Kurum who conducted an inspection of Maraş.

He said that plans were being drawn up for landscapin­g, footpaths, cycle paths and the infrastruc­ture needs of the town, which until early October had been closed to civilian life for 46 years.

Following his visit, Mr Kurum said: “Turkey has been and will be standing next to the Turkish Cypriot people as always.” He thanked Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and President Ersin Tatar who “pioneered” the opening of Maraş.

Mr Kurum said that the inspection of Maraş, which he said was once the “heart of Mediterran­ean tourism”, was made with “all stakeholde­rs who will undertake the constructi­on work of the infrastruc­ture”.

He said that Turkey is the

“defender of the Turkish Cypriots’ righteous struggle.”

Mr Kurum was accompanie­d on the visit by Turkish ambassador to Lefkoşa Ali Murat Başçeri, Tourism and Environmen­t Minister Kutlu Evren, Konya Mayor Uğur İbrahim Altay, Gazimağusa Mayor İsmail Arter and Tok chairman Mehmet Ergün Turan.

Mr Kurum also paid a courtesy visit to President Ersin Tatar in Lefkoşa. Mr Tatar said that the rebuilding of Maraş’s infrastruc­ture and communal areas by Konya Municipali­ty and Toki was “very important for human rights and TRNC tourism and the economy”.

The forthcomin­g visit of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, on November 15, who is expected to tour Maraş, is “very important”, Mr Tatar added.

Mr Kurum said he “wished the best for President Tatar in his mission”.

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