Cyprus Today

Tatar heads to Turkey on his first official trip to Turkey,

Ankara welcomes new TRNC President with Turkish national anthem and a 21-gun salute

- By KEREM HASAN Chief Reporter

PRESIDENT Ersin Tatar staged his first official visit abroad to Turkey on Monday, three days after being sworn in as the country’s new leader.

Troops on horseback accompanie­d the vehicle carrying President Tatar from outside the grounds of the Presidenti­al Palace in Ankara to the building’s entrance where he was greeted by Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Turkish national anthem, a 21-gun salute and the flags of 16 Turkic countries. They posed for photograph­s in front of the flags of Turkey and the TRNC before heading inside for a meeting.

Turkey’s Vice President Fuat Oktay, Foreign Minister Mevlüt Çavuşoğlu, Energy and Natural Resources Minister Fatih Dönmez, Ankara governor Vasip Şahin, Lefkoşa Ambassador Ali Murat Başçeri, and the TRNC’s Ankara Ambassador Kemal Köprülü were also present.

Mr Tatar was accompanie­d on his trip to Turkey by First Lady Sibel Tatar, Parliament­ary Speaker Teberrüken Uluçay, Finance Minister Olgun Amcaoğlu, ministers, military officials and

civil servants.

At a joint press conference following his meeting with Mr Erdoğan, Mr Tatar said: “I am very happy to have taken up matters related to two brotherly states, and to be in Ankara after being invited by [ Mr Erdoğan], having been elected as the TRNC President.”

Mr Tatar said that Turkey and TRNC have “always endeavoure­d to achieve a just and lasting agreement on the Cyprus issue” but that the Greek Cypriot side is “still aspiring to return to before 1974”.

Mr Tatar continued: “Between December 21, 1963, and July 20, 1974, Turkish Cypriots were able to sustain themselves because of the military inter

ventions and other forms of support by Turkey.

“Considerat­ion should be given as to what would have happened if Turkey had not taken action by using its guarantor rights following the declaratio­n of the Cyprus Hellenic Republic on July 15, 1974.

“Turkey is responsibl­e for the peace in Cyprus. If the Cyprus negotiatio­ns once again collapsed in Crans Montana [in 2017], this was because of unwillingn­ess [of the Greek Cypriots] to equally share anything with us. They have always put on the table the abolishmen­t of the military presence of Turkey in Cyprus as well as the nullificat­ion of Turkey as an effective guarantor.

“For us, the proposal of Turkey for a five-party con

ference is the last chance.

“We are of the opinion that this meeting will be decisive in determinin­g as to whether a two-state solution will come to the table and whether an agreement will be possible.”

Referring to the situation in the Eastern Mediterran­ean, President Tatar added: “It is realistic and constructi­ve for the TRNC to participat­e in a meeting being proposed to consider the developmen­ts in the Eastern Mediterran­ean.

“As we have emphasised on numerous occasions, for the Turkish Cypriot side, the hydrocarbo­ns issue is a test of sincerity. With [ Mr Erdoğan’s] support, in the coming days, we hope to be more proactive internatio­nally, to explain our contention­s, and to have more foreign contacts.”

President Tatar stated that part of the closed town of Maraş was opened due to

the “determinat­ion and commitment” of the Turkish government, under the guidance of President Erdoğan.

Describing its reopening as a “correct move”, Mr Tatar said: “The [town] is located on the doorstep of Gazimağusa. It is worthy of us and humane to return the coastal strip and its wealth to the people. Consequent­ly, it is very important for us that you [Mr Erdoğan] have supported our decision in this respect.


“It is a hope for the TRNC, there is a great deal of potential there. It is perhaps the most beautiful coastal strip in the Eastern Mediterran­ean. Returning the properties to the owners is a correct step.

“Whether they accept it or not, there are two coexisting states in Cyprus. This is the reality.”

President Tatar pointed out that, according to a Greek Cypriot newspaper report, it was “clearly stated” that the Greek Cypriots are “no longer in the same position” and that a federation is a “fairytale that nobody believes”.

“With the developmen­ts in the Eastern Mediterran­ean, Cyprus is not the old Cyprus,” Mr Tatar stressed.

He said that Turkey has been standing by the Turkish Cypriots since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic and that it had built a new emergency hospital in North Cyprus “within just two months”.

Two separate financial and economic cooperatio­n protocols have been signed by Turkey and the TRNC over the last two years, he stated.

Mr Tatar also thanked President Erdoğan for ensuring that the undersea water pipeline, which broke in two in January, was repaired and that his next main objective was to complete the constructi­on of the new Ercan airport.

Following the press conference, President Erdoğan and First Lady Emine Erdoğan hosted an official dinner for President Tatar and First Lady Sibel Tatar.

Earlier in day Mr Tatar laid a wreath at the Anıtkabir mausoleum where Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey, is buried.

Writing in a book of remembranc­e, Mr Tatar said: “Great Atatürk, you are a great and smart leader of the struggle for existence and a pioneer of a nation, who founded the Turkish Republic.

“The Turkish Cypriot people has struggled for their existence under the light of mainland Turkey and founded their country under the guidance of your principles. I hereby convey myself and my nation’s respect to you.”

 ??  ?? Ersin Tatar and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during a joint press conference in Ankara on Monday
Ersin Tatar and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan during a joint press conference in Ankara on Monday
 ??  ?? Ersin Tatar laying a wreath at Anıtkabir in Ankara, where Atatürk is buried
Ersin Tatar laying a wreath at Anıtkabir in Ankara, where Atatürk is buried
 ??  ?? A guard of honour welcomed Ersin Tatar to the presidenti­al palace in Ankara
A guard of honour welcomed Ersin Tatar to the presidenti­al palace in Ankara
 ??  ?? Sibel Tatar and Emine Erdoğan
Sibel Tatar and Emine Erdoğan

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