Cyprus Today

God Bless the Queen


WESTMINSTE­R is normally the place for political dog fights. Not recently. Something very sad, very moving and nationally unifying has taken place there – the Lying in State of our Queen. The life of Her Gracious Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II, dutiful Monarch, UK ambassador par excellence, creator of the Commonweal­th, internatio­nal icon and the very embodiment of all the decent values British history represents, was a joy to behold.

Even in death, she brought unity to our country and respect for our nation from around the world. God bless her. When Boris Johnson called her Elizabeth the Great, he could not have been more right.

The queue of loyal Britons, lining up in their hundreds of thousands across the nation to pay their respects, was the silent majority turning their backs on all the loud-mouthed deniers of all things British. The mourners’ quiet, reflective dignity silenced them at last. The silent majority had spoken, without saying a word.

I will be a Constituti­onal Monarchist until the day I die. The Queen was the perfect embodiment of that concept. What politician, what President, could match that? They couldn’t. She reigned, but did not rule. A national symbol, above politics.

That is why the system works. That is why it has brought centuries of continuity and stability to our nation, on a scale that is the envy of the world.

That is also why King Charles III, his son William and then George, will continue to deliver that great national gift, whatever the Republican­s might think.

King Charles is already proving he is a worthy successor to his mother. Like her, he will reign, not rule. He will personify our national unity. “GOD SAVE THE KING”!

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