Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

The UK now faces years of volatility


majority in the UK-minus-Scotland would swing towards outright Euro-skepticism and campaign for an immediate post-election referendum, laying down conditions for renegotiat­ing EU membership which Brussels, France and even Germany would be sure to reject.

Thus a Conservati­ve victory in a 2016 election would make Brexit almost certain a year later. If, as is quite possible, the Euro-skeptics overplayed their hand and the Tories lost the 2016 election, the UK would be saddled with a high tax Labour-Liberal government until 2021.

As a result, if Scotland does vote for independen­ce next week, it is hard to come up with a positive scenario for British assets, whatever happens subsequent­ly. Of course, there is always the hope that the polls may be wrong or the Scots will change their minds at the last moment once they realise what a Pandora’s box of political uncertaint­ies they are about to open. But hope is not a strategy. We recommend selling sterling and other British assets, apart from those such as resource shares which have little exposure to British politics and which benefit directly from a weak pound.

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