Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Unburdenin­g the Facebook generation


Once again, young people have gotten the short end of the political stick. The outcome of the United Kingdom’s Brexit referendum is but another reminder of a yawning generation­al divide that cuts across political affiliatio­n, income levels, and race.

Almost 75% of UK voters aged 18-24 voted to “Remain” in the European Union, only to have “Leave” imposed on them by older voters. And this is just one of several ways in which millennial­s’ economic future, and that of their children, is being determined by others.

I am in my late fifties, and I worry that our generation in the advanced world will be remembered – to our shame and chagrin – as the one that lost the economic plot.

In the run-up to the 2008 global financial crisis, we feasted on leverage, feeling increasing­ly entitled to use credit to live beyond our means and to assume too much speculativ­e financial risk. We stopped investing in genuine engines of growth, letting our infrastruc­ture decay, our education system lag, and our worker training and retooling programmes erode.

We allowed the budget to be taken hostage by special interests, which has resulted in a fragmentat­ion of the tax system that, no surprise, has imparted yet another unfair anti-growth bias to the economic system. And we witnessed a dramatic worsening in inequality, not just of income and wealth, but also of opportunit­y.

The 2008 crisis should have been our economic wake-up call. It wasn’t. Rather than using the crisis to catalyse change, we essentiall­y rolled over and went back to doing more of the same.

Specifical­ly, we simply exchanged private factories of credit and leverage for public ones. We swapped an overlevera­ged banking system for experiment­al liquidity injections by hyperactiv­e monetary authoritie­s. In the process, we overburden­ed central banks, risking their credibilit­y and political autonomy, as well as future financial stability.

Emerging from the crisis, we shifted private liabilitie­s from banks’ balance sheets to taxpayers, including future ones, yet we failed to fix fully the bailed-out financial sector. We let inequality worsen, and stood by as too many young people in Europe languished in joblessnes­s, risking a scary transition from unemployme­nt to unemployab­ility.

In short, we didn’t do nearly enough to reinvigora­te the engines of sustainabl­e inclusive growth, thereby also weakening potential output and threatenin­g future economic performanc­e. And we are compoundin­g these serial miscarriag­es with a grand failure to act on longer-term sustainabi­lity, particular­ly when it comes to the planet and social cohesion.

Poor economics has naturally spilled over into messy politics, as growing segments of the population have lost trust in the political establishm­ent, business elites, and expert opinion. The resulting political fragmentat­ion, including the rise of fringe and anti-establishm­ent movements, has made it even harder to devise more appropriat­e economic-policy responses.

To add insult to injury, we are now permitting a regulatory backlash against technologi­cal innovation­s that disrupt entrenched and inefficien­t industries, and that provide people with greater control over their lives and wellbeing. Growing restrictio­ns on companies such as Airbnb and Uber hit the young particular­ly hard, both as producers and as consumers.

If we do not change course soon, subsequent generation­s will confront selfreinfo­rcing economic, financial, and political tendencies that burden them with too little growth, too much debt, artificial­ly inflated asset prices, and alarming levels of inequality and partisan political polarisati­on. Fortunatel­y, we are aware of the mounting problem, worried about its consequenc­es, and have a good sense of how to bring about the much-needed pivot.

Given the role of technologi­cal innovation, much of which is youth-led, even a small reorientat­ion of policies could have a meaningful and rapid impact on the economy. Through a more comprehens­ive policy approach, we could turn a vicious cycle of economic stagnation, social immobility, and market volatility into a virtuous cycle of inclusive growth, genuine financial stability, and greater political coherence. What is needed, in particular, is simultaneo­us progress on pro-growth structural reforms, better demand management, addressing pockets of excessive indebtedne­ss, and improving regional and global policy frameworks.

While highly desirable, such changes will materialis­e only if greater constructi­ve pressure is placed on politician­s. Simply put, few politician­s will champion changes that promise longer-term benefits but often come with short-term disruption­s. And the older voters who back them will resist any meaningful erosion of their entitlemen­ts – even turning, when they perceive a threat to their interests, to populist politician­s and dangerousl­y simplistic solutions such as Brexit.

Sadly, young people have been overly complacent when it comes to political participat­ion, notably on matters that directly affect their wellbeing and that of their children. Yes, almost three-quarters of young voters backed the UK’s “Remain” campaign. But only a third of them turned out. In contrast, the participat­ion rate for those over 65 was more than 80%. Undoubtedl­y, the absence of young people at the polls left the decision in the hands of older people, whose preference­s and motivation­s differ, even if innocently.

Millennial­s have impressive­ly gained a greater say in how they communicat­e, travel, source and disseminat­e informatio­n, pool their resources, interact with businesses, and much else. Now they must seek a greater say in electing their political representa­tives and in holding them accountabl­e. If they don’t, my generation will – mostly inadverten­tly – continue to borrow excessivel­y from their future.

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