Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

The rise of the food barons


The industrial-agricultur­e sector has long faced criticism for practices that contribute to climate change, environmen­tal destructio­n, and rural poverty. And yet the sector has taken virtually no steps to improve quality and sustainabi­lity, or to promote social justice.

This is not surprising. Although there are more than 570 million farmers and seven billion consumers worldwide, just a handful of companies control the global industrial­agricultur­e value chain – from field to shop counter. Given the high profits and vast political power of these companies, changes to the status quo are not in their interest.

Moreover, market concentrat­ion in the agricultur­e sector is on the rise, owing to increased demand for the agricultur­al raw materials needed in food, animal feed and energy production. As the middle class in southern countries has grown, its members’ consumptio­n and nutritiona­l habits have changed, boosting global demand for processed foods – and setting off a scramble for market power among multinatio­nal agricultur­al, chemical, and food corporatio­ns.

The biggest players in these sectors have been buying out their smaller competitor­s for years. But now they are also buying out one another, often with financing provided by investors from completely different sectors.

Consider the seed and agrochemic­al sector, where Bayer, the second-largest pesticide producer in the world, is in the process of acquiring Monsanto, the largest seed producer, for 66 billion euros ($74 billion). If the United States and the European Union approve the deal, as seems likely, just three conglomera­tes – Bayer-Monsanto, Dow-DuPont and ChemChina-Syngenta – will control over 60% of the global seed and agrochemic­al market. “Baysanto” alone would be the proprietor of almost every geneticall­y modified plant on the planet.

With other large mergers also being announced, the global agricultur­e market at the end of 2017 could look very different than it did at the beginning. Each of the three major conglomera­tes will be closer to its goal of achieving domination of the seed and pesticide markets – at which point they will be able to dictate food products, prices and quality worldwide.

The agrotechni­cal sector is experienci­ng some of the same changes as the seed sector. The five largest corporatio­ns account for 65% of the market, with Deere & Company, the owner of the John Deere brand, in the lead. In 2015, Deere & Co. reported $29 billion in sales, surpassing the $25 billion that Monsanto and Bayer made selling seeds and pesticides.

The most promising new opportunit­y for food corporatio­ns today lies in the digitisati­on of agricultur­e. This process is still in its early stages, but it is gathering momentum, and eventually it will cover all areas of production. Soon enough, drones will take over the task of spraying pesticides; livestock will be equipped with sensors to track milk quantities, movement patterns and feed rations; tractors will be controlled by GPS; and app-controlled sowing machines will assess soil quality to determine the optimal distance between rows and plants.

To maximise the benefits of these new technologi­es, the companies that already dominate the value chain have begun cooperatin­g with one another. The John Deeres and Monsantos have now joined forces. The confluence of soil and weather “big data,” new agrotechno­logies, geneticall­y modified seeds, and new developmen­ts in agrochemis­try will help these companies save money, protect natural resources, and maximise crop yields worldwide.

But while this possible future bodes well for some of the world’s largest companies, it leaves the environmen­tal and social problems associated with industrial­ised agricultur­e unsolved. Most farmers, particular­ly in the global South, will never be able to afford expensive digital-age machinery. The maxim “grow or go” will be replaced with “digitise or disappear.” The ETC Group, an American non-government­al organisati­on, has already outlined a future scenario in which the major agrotechno­logy corporatio­ns move upstream and absorb the seed and pesticide producers. At that point, just a few companies will determine everything that we eat.

Indeed, the same market-concentrat­ion problem applies to other links in the value chain, such as agricultur­al traders and supermarke­ts. And even though food processing is not yet consolidat­ed on a global scale, it is still dominated at the regional level by companies such as Unilever, Danone, Mondelez and Nestlé. These companies make money when fresh or semi-processed food is replaced by highly processed convenienc­e foods such as frozen pizza, canned soup and ready-made meals. While lucrative, this business model is closely linked to obesity, diabetes and other chronic diseases. Worse, food corporatio­ns are also profiting from the proliferat­ion of illnesses for which they are partly responsibl­e, by marketing “healthy” processed foods enriched with protein, vitamins, probiotics and omega-3 fatty acids.

Meanwhile, corporatio­ns are amassing market power at the expense of those at the bottom of the value chain: farmers and workers. Internatio­nal Labour Organisati­on standards guarantee all workers the right to organise, and they prohibit forced and child labour and proscribe race and gender discrimina­tion. But labour-law violations have become the norm, because efforts to enforce ILO rules are often quashed, while trade union members are routinely threatened, fired and even murdered.

In this hostile climate, minimum-wage, overtime pay, and workplace-safety standards are openly neglected. And women, in particular, are at a disadvanta­ge, because they are paid less than their male counterpar­ts and often must settle for seasonal or temporary jobs.

Today, half of the world’s 800 million starving people are small farmers and workers connected to the agricultur­al sector. Their lot will hardly improve if the few companies

already dominating that sector become even more powerful.

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