Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

“Japan is perhaps the country most vulnerable to a nuclear North Korea … but also, of all the key players involved in the standoff, the one with the least ability to independen­tly shape the outcome of the crisis”


considerab­ly since Kim Jong Un came to power. Though China has thrown its rhetorical support behind Moon’s detente with Pyongyang, it’s unclear what Beijing could really do to push talks toward a resolution that both it and Seoul would find acceptable. China’s overriding goals are to expel the U.S. from the peninsula and to ensure that a friendly, or at least not overtly hostile, government rules the North. These, along with the long-term threat China poses to South Korea, limit how far Seoul can align itself with Beijing in the current crisis – especially if Seoul succeeds in persuading the U.S. to refrain from a unilateral operation to disarm the North.

Nonetheles­s, Beijing still has as much leverage over North Korea as anyone. Even if it cannot bring Pyongyang fully to heel without harming its own core interests on the peninsula, it at least has some latent ability to alter Pyongyang’s cost calculatio­ns and, if enough stars align, potentiall­y help the North Koreans save enough face to be willing to stand down. At minimum, China doesn’t want to see a war on the peninsula that puts U.S. forces on the Yalu River and a pro-U.S. government in Pyongyang, which means Beijing certainly isn’t going to try to thwart Seoul’s efforts to forestall a conflict through dialogue. This makes Seoul’s alignment with Beijing at this stage low risk. As was made clear when Vice President Mike Pence said that the U.S. was open to talks with the North without preconditi­ons, at this point, “maximum pressure” and dialogue need not be seen as automatica­lly conflictin­g.

Japan, in comparison, just doesn’t have the ability to either substantia­lly further or frustrate Seoul’s objectives. Of all the relevant players, it has the least leverage over Pyongyang. It cannot yet act on its own militarily to eliminate the threat, as its slow remilitari­sation is still in its very early stages. Even new landmark procuremen­ts that

To be clear, Japan can be a pivotal player in support of how the U.S. and South Korea decide to proceed. The

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