Financial Mirror (Cyprus)

Cyprus to expand mortgage relief scheme


Cyprus is looking into ways of expanding a relief scheme subsidisin­g borrowers with toxic mortgages to cover borrowers who failed to make the first cut, as they were found unviable.

Acting government spokespers­on Panayiotis Sentonas said on Wednesday that Finance Minister Constantin­os Petrides has been tasked by the cabinet to draft a plan for borrowers who were rejected by a statebacke­d mortgage relief scheme after their loans became toxic.

The homeowner rescue scheme, known as ESTIA was introduced by the government to help loan repayments of defaulted borrowers with non-performing loans up until September 30, 2017. The plan was launched in September 2019 in an attempt to reduce Cyprus’ bad debt mountain.

The scheme only covers vulnerable borrowers whose market value of their home does not exceed EUR 350,000, thought to be viable under loan restructur­ing with the government contributi­ng to monthly instalment­s.

In comments to reporters following a cabinet meeting on Wednesday, Sentonas said the new scheme could involve a higher debt write-down, or a higher contributi­on by the state, or a combinatio­n, so vulnerable borrowers can protect primary residence.

“Today’s cabinet decision confirms the government decision to support borrowers who, despite meeting the basic criteria of the Estia scheme, could not be included because of failing the viability criterion.”

The Finance Minister has been tasked with preparing a policy framework of a that their scheme that could cover borrowers dubbed as credit poor.

The Estia scheme, provides that the state pays 33% of defaulted borrowers’ mortgages, valued at below EUR 350,000, on condition that the debtor agrees to make regular repayments to the bank who take on part of the bad debt by restructur­ing loans.

It will cost a total of EUR 815 mln over a 25-year period. This means an average of

EUR 33 mln a year will need to be included in the state budget to cover the scheme.

Meanwhile, reports have Bank of Cyprus working on a similar ESTIA scheme for vulnerable borrowers who did not apply or did not qualify before.

Reportedly, the lender’s initial plans concerned its customers, but leaves a window open to expand the scheme if the Finance Ministry gets involved.

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