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Mars to welcome another mission

NASA launches a new rover to search for signs of potential past Martian life in its ninth journey to the Red Planet Naučte se gramatiku podle textu


said, involving the agency’s global network of antennas used to communicat­e with its most distant probes. The issue was quickly resolved.

This marks NASA’s ninth journey to the Martian surface.

“It’s really kind of a key of a whole bunch of new research that we’re doing that is focused on the question ... is there life out there?” the space agency’s science division chief Thomas Zurbuchen said after the launch.

Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Mike Watkins quipped about the California quake: “It was just the Earth being excited about going to Mars. It was a very minor event. Everything’s fine, and we’re on our way to Mars.”

Perseveran­ce is due to land at the base of a 250-meter crater called Jezero, site of a former lake and water system from 3.5 billion years ago that scientists suspect could bear evidence of potential past microbial life.

Scientists have long debated whether Mars - once a much more hospitable place than it is today - ever harbored life.

Water is considered a key ingredient for life, and Mars billions of years ago had lots of it on the surface before the planet became a harsh and desolate outpost.

Perseveran­ce will conduct an experiment to convert elements of the carbon dioxide-rich atmosphere into propellant for future rockets launching off the Martian surface, or to produce breathable oxygen for future astronauts.

Perseveran­ce also will collect and store rock and soil samples intended to be returned to Earth in the future.

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 ?? REUTERS ?? A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifts off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, U.S.
REUTERS A United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket lifts off from the Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Florida, U.S.

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