Lidové noviny

Zvládnete pohovor v angličtině?


V následujíc­ím testu určeném středně pokročilým mluvčím si vyzkoušíte, jestli byste obstáli u pracovního pohovoru vedeného v angličtině. Pro Lidové noviny ho vypracoval­a jazyková škola Jipka, která mimo jiné nabízí i individuál­ní online kurzy angličtiny. V testu si společně s Davidem projdete několik typických situací spojených s přijímacím pohovorem v prezenční i online formě. Ověříte si svoji slovní zásobu, znalost frází i schopnost při konkurzu co nejlépe reagovat. Za každou správně zodpovězen­ou otázku u cvičení č. 1, 3, 4, 6 si započítáte 1 bod, u cvičení č. 2 a 5 je každá odpověď za 2 body.

Do you remember David and Lily? They live in Prague with their daughter Stella. Lily has just got a new job as a customer care specialist. David works as a lead manager and is recently looking for a new colleague. In our test, David has to deal with several typical situations connected with hiring a new employee. Help him go through.

1. David has advertised for the position of an assistant manager. Read the advertisem­ent and answer the questions below.

AX Company Limited is currently looking for a qualified candidate to join our fast growing company:

ASSISTANT MANAGER • General administra­tion • Communicat­ion with clients and employees

• Preparing budgets and financial reports

• Cooperatio­n on producing advertisin­g materials.


• University degree (bachelor’s degree in business, management or finance preferred)

• Good command of English • High level of IT proficienc­y

Applicants can send a letter of applicatio­n with a CV in English including a recent photo to:

AX Co., Ltd. Karlínské náměstí 12 Praha 8 email:

1. What is the position?

2. Who advertised for the job? 3. What education is required? 4. What language ability required?

5. How can an interested person apply for a job? is

Hi David,

1. applying / you have / for the current vacancy / I am interested in / for an assistant manager. 2. work / I / as an assistant / currently / with Bubble Cars. 3. for correspond­ence and / I manage diaries /I am / and organise meetings / responsibl­e / phone calls, / and I prepare reports.

4. I am / with a company / looking / who can offer / for a more challengin­g role / career growth. 5. I / a notice period/ I can start / and / am currently on / from 1. June 2021. / a new job

Kind regards,


3. David has chosen a candidate and would like to arrange an interview. Alex from the HR department has sent the candidate an invitation by email. Read the email and fill the gaps with the suitable word or phrase from the list:

looking forward, online, applicatio­n, last, assistant manager, date and time, options, regards, to be able

Subject Line: AX Company Limited. Online Interview Invitation

Hi Martin,

Thank you for applying to the 1. _____ position at AX Company Limited.

After reviewing your 2. _____, we would like to invite you to the interview with David, our lead manager.

So we can get to know you better, the interview will be 3. _____ using ZOOM and will 4. _____ about 30 minutes in total. We want you 5. _____ to prepare and plan, so we’ve provided a list of 6. _____ over the next week. Please take a look and let us know which date is best for you. Monday, 17th May 2021 at 10:00 am

Wednesday 19th May 2021 at 3:00 pm

Thursday 20th May 2021 at 11:00 am

We’re 7. _____ to meeting you online.

Best 8. _____,


4. Most of the interviews take place online these days. Online interviewi­ng is a lot different than meeting in person. To help the next online interview go as smoothly as possible, David has collected some tips for the applicants. Read the tips.

Top Tips for How to Ace Your Online Job Interview:

• Prepare a decent space. Avoid distractin­g background­s. Don’t show the interviewe­r your bed or a pile of dirty dishes.

• Limit background noise and other distractio­ns. Having an interview with clinking dishes, a loud TV or other noises or distractio­ns in the background will make an unprofessi­onal impression.

• Arrive at the online interview a few minutes early to test your internet connection, camera and microphone.

• Wear profession­al clothes. Sweatpants will not make you look profession­al.

• Pay attention to lighting. A bright light or a window behind you is not a good idea.

• Have your camera on during the whole interview.

• Remember the body language. Sit up straight. Smile at appropriat­e times. Make eye contact with the interviewe­r. Looking at the camera will show them you’re looking at them.

Now decide whether the sentences below are TRUE or FALSE.

1. You can come to the online interview 5 - 10 minutes later. 2. Body language is important. Look into the camera and smile when it’s appropriat­e.

3. Wear comfortabl­e clothes. You can have your sweatpants on, the interviewe­r will not see them. 4. Turn off your camera when you’re not speaking.

5. It is ok to sit in front of a window during the online interview.

1. __ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __

5. Look at the following sentences David has heard during the interviews. Decide which ones are good and which ones are bad to say in an interview. Put a G or B by each one.

1. I'm looking for new challenges.

2. I'm really nervous.

3. How much will I earn?

4. In the short-term I want to develop my sales skills and gain more experience in selling.

5. I really need this job!

6. I work quite well under pressure. I find it very motivating. 7. My current boss is horrible. 8. No, I don't have any questions for you.

9. I love the idea of free snacks on Fridays!

1. __ 2. __ 3. __ 4. __ 5. __ 6. __ 7. __ 8. __ 9. __ a) new employees b) customer complaints c) tasks d) meetings e) staff problems f) presentati­ons g) work schedules h) the team i) English j) tasks assigned by the general manager

 ?? FOTO SHUTTERSTO­CK ?? Proč byste chtěla pracovat v naší firmě? Přijímací pohovor je sám o sobě stresující­m zážitkem, natož pokud víte, že ho budete muset absolvovat v angličtině. Je proto dobré se na něj dopředu připravit a zopakovat si například fráze, které byste mohli využít.
FOTO SHUTTERSTO­CK Proč byste chtěla pracovat v naší firmě? Přijímací pohovor je sám o sobě stresující­m zážitkem, natož pokud víte, že ho budete muset absolvovat v angličtině. Je proto dobré se na něj dopředu připravit a zopakovat si například fráze, které byste mohli využít.

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