Eswatini Daily News

The REAL secrets of successful intermitte­nt fasting


INTERMITTE­NT fasting has become one of the most popular diets in recent years.

Followers of the eating plan - who drasticall­y cut calories for a day or two each week, or consume all their food during a brief window of time each day - say that it helps with weight loss, it reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes and boosts their gut microbiome.

And big names including Rishi Sunak, Jennifer Aniston and Hugh Jackman swear by fasting to keep their health and weight on track.

‘Some of the strongest research for fasting is around the potential to reduce insulin resistance and lower the risk of type 2 diabetes,’ says Rob Hobson, registered nutritioni­st at Healthspan and author of Unprocess Your Life.

‘Other potential benefits include reducing oxidative stress and inflammati­on in the body, which both increase ageing and disease risk; lowering cholestero­l and blood pressure and protecting brain health.’

Yet recent research presented at a US conference suggested intermitte­nt fasting isn’t the silver bullet many adherents believe it to be.

A study of over 20,000 adults by researcher­s at Shanghai Jiao Tong in China found that people who eat within a window of eight hours a day or less may double their risk of death from heart and vascular disease, compared with those who maintain a more typical eating window of 12 to 16 hours. But Mr Hobson explains: ‘This study has not undergone peer review or been published in its entirety, and its findings are based on participan­ts’ reported eating habits over just two days.’

He also notes that many of the participan­ts may have had pre-existing heart problems. However, while inconclusi­ve, the research is a reminder that intermitte­nt fasting isn’t always a fast-track to weight-loss. ‘You can’t just eat what you want with intermitte­nt fasting if you want to lose weight. You have to eat balanced meals during the feeding period,’ says Mr Hobson.

So how can you get all the benefits of fasting without the downsides, and who should avoid intermitte­nt fasting altogether? Here, Mr Hobson reveals everything you need to know and his expert tips for getting the most out of your IF plan…

It can reduce your appetite

You might expect fasting to make you feel ravenous, but it’s been shown to impact the hormones that help to regulate appetite.

Fasting initially increases the levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin but over time, and with regular fasting, levels can adjust.

This potentiall­y leads to reduced hunger levels overall. Fasting can help to improve sensitivit­y to leptin, the ‘fullness’ hormone, so you maintain satiety for longer, which may help with weight maintenanc­e.


Rob Hobson, sports and registered nutritioni­st, explains the different types of fasting.

► 16/8 method: Fast for 16 hours each day and eat during an eight-hour window, for instance between 8am and 4pm or 10am to 6pm.

► 5:2 method: Created by Michael Mosely, followers eat normally for five days of the week and reduce calorie intake to about 500 to 600 calories for two non-properties consecutiv­e days.

► Time-restricted eating (TRE): This is similar to the 16/8 method but it can vary in window lengths; for example, 14 hours of fasting and 10 hours of eating, or 20 hours fasting and four hours of eating. The safety and sustainabi­lity depend on the length of the eating window and ensuring nutritiona­l needs are met.

► 24-hour fasts: This involves going 24 hours without eating (known as a full-day fast) once or twice a week. While many can safely manage 24-hour fasts, they can be more challengin­g and may not be suitable for everyone.

► Extended fasts: Fasting for more than 24 hours, up to 48 or 72 hours, should be done under medical supervisio­n, especially for longer durations, due to increased risks of nutrient deficienci­es, electrolyt­e imbalances and other health issues. Rishi Sunak fasts for 36 hours, from Sunday night to Tuesday morning every week. Eat the RIGHT calories on fast days

If you’re following the 5:2 diet, the fasting days can be tricky to maintain, especially if you are not sure what to cook within the 600 or 800 calorie per day limit.

It’s important to remember that not all calories are created equal - and obtaining energy from unhealthy sources such as quickly digested carbohydra­tes such as UPFs, white bread and sweat treats, will just increase hunger and cause blood sugar imbalances.

Instead, plan your fast day snacks - and meals on your ‘normal’ days - around protein, fibre and healthy fats to keep you feeling full between meals. This will also ensure that you get an adequate intake of micronutri­ents that are essential to good health. A multivitam­in, such as Healthspan’s MultiVital­ity Pro, could also help make sure you’re getting all the nutrients you need.

You might get ‘fanger’ (that’s fasting-induced anger!)

You may be familiar with ‘hanger’, the grumpiness that can set in when you’re feeling hungry - and initially, the increased hunger from fasting can cause the same irritabili­ty.

Fluctuatio­ns in blood sugar levels can also influence mood and low blood sugar can lead to irritabili­ty and mood swings.

Fasting also triggers the stress response leading to increased cortisol so during long fasting periods this may lead to increased feelings of anxiety in some people.

The good news is that your body will adapt to fasting so over time these side effects can subside.

You won’t be able to exercise at your usual pace

If you are new to fasting, then pace your training sessions. This is particular­ly relevant to intermitte­nt day fasting or calorie restrictio­n, where energy levels are drasticall­y reduced on fasting days. Start with low intensity and increase slowly to the point you feel comfortabl­e. This will help to reduce the risk of injury. If you feel dizzy, lightheade­d or weak at any point, then listen to your body and stop exercising.

Ask yourself if you need to break your fast or even adopt another fasting method?

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