Times of Eswatini

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MBABANE - It has certainly been confirmed that hot topics are definitely keeping the social streets busy with valuable content from the Salty Mic Podcast.

7he SodFasW is a ZeeNO\ neZs FoPPenWar\ SOaWforP Zhere Whe SodFasWers foFXs on OoFaO and inWernaWio­naO enWerWainP­enW neZs disFXss OaWesW SoOiWiFaO neZs gossiS and Wrends. 7he neZO\ esWaEOishe­d SOaWforP has reaFhed YieZs in Oess Whan WZo ZeeNs of airing. 7he digiWaO sSaFe has sSarNed a OoW of WaONs WhroXgh Wheir inWeresWin­g WoSiFs OiNe Whe OaWesW aEoXW %ig %roWher (sZaWini.


$s Whe SoSXOariW\ of SodFasWs FonWinXes Wo groZ aOO oYer Whe ZorOd Whis SodFasW is Whe OaWesW enWr\ in Whe indXsWr\ WhaW seeNs Wo Ee a PaMor SOa\er in Whe .ingdoP of (sZaWini Zhere Whe\ are sWarWing Wo geW reFogniWio­n.

³, noWiFed WhaW in oXr FoXnWr\ Where is a OoW WhaW is haSSening in regards Wo soFiaO issXes enWerWain PenW and soFiaO Pedia Wrends. , ZanWed Wo FreaWe a SOaWforP WhaW ZiOO SXW a µsSoWOighW¶ on Whese issXes and Ee a WhinN WanN for aOO Whings FXO WXre PXsiF and FoPPXniW\ ´ foXnder 1hOaNaniSh­o 'OaPini said.

7he shoZ is hosWed E\ 6iNhan\iso µ6N\¶ 9iOaNaWi 6aPNeOiso µ'- 0e WaOOiF¶ .hXPaOo and 6andiOe µ0aFha Na¶ 0aYXso. 7he 3odFasW is shoW aW

aW Whe OoXnge ZhiFh is oZned E\ 7hePEinNho­si 0WhZeWhZa Zho SOa\ed Whe Pain FharaFWer in (Nha\a draPa series ZhiFh aired on (sZaWini 79. 7he SodFasW is SrodXFed E\ ,Nha\aOeWhX 3hoWograSh\ 6WXdios.

7he firsW eSisode Whe shoZ saZ Whe SodFasWers doing a soFiaO e[ SeriPenW ZhiFh foFXsed on Whe idea of ZhaW %ig %roWher (sZaWini ZoXOd OooN OiNe.

7he\ Pade a OisW of NnoZn infOX enFers in Whe FoXnWr\ Zho ZoXOd Ee sXiWaEOe hoXsePaWes if eYer Whe FoXnWr\ ZoXOd haYe sXFh a shoZ.


7he eSisode dreZ a OoW of h\Se froP Whe SXEOiF Whe WeaP deFided Wo e[Sand on Whe WoSiF and do a soFiaO e[SeriPenW for Whe SXEOiF and fans of %ig %roWher (sZaWini.

7he FoPPenW seFWion Zas fOood ed ZiWh )aFeEooN Xsers noPinaW ing Wheir friends faPiO\ and eYen NnoZn naPes in Whe FoXnWr\ as SoWenWiaO hoXsePaWes for Whe iP aginar\ shoZ.


$Oso soFiaO Pedia infOXenFer­s in Whe NingdoP ZenW Wo WoZn ZiWh Whis iPaginar\ shoZ and seOeFWed a SoWenWiaO FasW eYen Eeing seOeFWed froP Whe Seo SOe Zho had sXggesWed naPes. 7he 6aOW\ 0iF 3odFasW Zas esWaE Oished E\ 1hOaNaniSh­o 'OaPini Zho Zas insSired E\ 6oXWh $friFan 6$ and $PeriFan SodFasWs sXFh as 0aF* -oe %Xdden

7he %reaNfasW &OXE and


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