Times of Eswatini

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No one knows at what age she will get married, give birth or die but what we are certain of is that it will happen at a point in time. We all have dreams and goals which we hope to pursue when the time is right because nothing happens per your wish and control.

Time cannot be controlled like a car you can never direct it to your destinatio­n. Time marks new beginnings and new activities; that’s why people say ‘time is money or time is precious’. In

a minute, hour or even a second you can do a lot of things that can either add or subtract value from your life.

Furthermor­e time usually puts pressure on a lot of people because we all tend to want things to happen fast in our lives.

We want to get a good paying job immediatel­y, purchase a big mansion in the suburbs and get the latest model car, yet things do not get presented to us on a silver platter.

Each and every one is given the time and opportunit­ies to try and build an empire for himself; it might not happen on the time you have planned or wished for but with hope and patience it will

happen, after all ‘patience is virtue’

Do not waste your time on something you cannot change. Lastly my fellow brothers and sisters we should stop expecting things to happen in the same time and same manner as our peers because life does not work like that.

We do not get what we all deserve and have worked for at the same time. For some people it takes longer than expected and for some it happens immediatel­y. You will never know when it is your time to achieve big just stay calm your time will surely come as said ‘everything has its own time’.

Phumla Dlamini

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