Times of Eswatini

Hin CArEˆull›



Upon observing how many are bringing up their children, it is obvious that very little has changed. Mothers tend to let their mouths rattle away and because they say ‘so much’, they even say things they later regret.

Since there are no perfect families, let’s just get down and discuss it. In any homestead where either parent is having extra marital affairs tense moments and undercurre­nt atmosphere­s have to prevail.

Needless to say the children suffer. When the man comes home late it is inevitable that the mother will, on the following day, become even nastier to one of the children, if that child does not get a beating.

Instead of dealing with the root cause of her problems, which is her husband, the mother vents her anger on wrong people.



Children growing up in such homesteads think it is normal to have numerous partners and, therefore, find it difficult to stick to one partner.

Being promiscuou­s becomes natural to them. After all, they saw it in their parents, they think this is right.

Well it is not! Such people need counsellin­g and should seek help. Denial will only make them more miserable.

Numerous parents get their helpers to bring up their children and then complain they cannot communicat­e with their children

This is the reason most children shy away upon being addressed because they spend most of their time at home in a restricted environmen­t and, therefore, lack communicat­ion and social skills.


The next time an adult is about to vocalise something demeaning towards a minor, they should think carefully. They so disliked it in the past when others did that to them and yet they have now become like the very people they so loathed.

The tongue can either build or destroy. Many believe I had the perfect upbringing and thus the reason I turned out to be who I am today. No ways! I ensured I never did unto others what I so disliked in my superiors.

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