Times of Eswatini

ͳͷm ceiling in community ’”oŒects fund

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MBABANE – The maximum cost for each community project shall not exceed E15 million per year, according to the revised Administra­tion of the Community Developmen­t Special Fund Regulation­s 2023, which were tabled in Parliament last week.

7he purpose and objectives of the fund is to finance approved community projects in terms of the regulation­s and give grants or assistance to a group of persons who shall not be less than 10 in number and the community shall contribute 10 per cent of the investment cost, whether in cash or in kind.

7he regulation­s were issued by the minister of )inance in the e[ercise of the powers conferred by Section 11 of the Administra­tion of the )inance 0anagement Act, 2017.

)unds of the fund shall comprise monies from the consolidat­ed fund, donors, grants from any other sources and interest accruing from bank deposits.

A local community shall take full responsibi­lity for the maintenanc­e and operating costs of a community project and shall maintain a bank account in the name of the project as revealed in the revised regulation­s.


It was stated in the report that to qualify for considerat­ion for funding for a community project, applicatio­ns should be endorsed by a chief, indvuna yenkhundla, head of local authority and the regional secretary where possible.

According to the regulation­s, the fund shall be in the name of the *overnment of (swatini and shall be operated by the accountant general, with an account kept with the Central %ank of (swatini and all interest shall be kept there.

All approved e[penditure related to community projects shall be charged to the fund in accordance with government accounting procedures and proper books of accounts shall be kept.

7he principal secretary (PS), minister of (conomic Planning and 'evelopment shall be responsibl­e for the general administra­tion of the fund.

7he fund will have a project approval committee which shall comprise of the PS in the ministry of (conomic Planning and 'evelopment or a representa­tive who shall be the chairperso­n and the PSA in the ministry of )inance or a representa­tive who shall be a deputy chairperso­n.

2ther PS¶ who would form part of the committee will come from the 0inistry of 7inkhundla Administra­tion and 'evelopment, 0inistry of Agricultur­e, 0inistry of Public :orks and 7ransport, 0inistry of Health, 0inistry of (ducation and 7raining, 0inistry of 1atural 5esources and (nergy as well as director of 0icroproje­cts Programme Coordinati­on 8nit or a representa­tive.

(ach region of the country will also have a committee to be known as the 5egional 'evelopment 7echnical Committee, whose members shall comprise of the regional secretary, in each region who shall be the chairperso­n.

2ther members of the committee in each region will be the regional planning officer, community developmen­t officer in the 0inistry of 7inkhundla Administra­tion and 'evelopment, regional veterinary officer in the 0inistry of Agricultur­e, clerks of works in the 0inistry of Public :orks and 7ransport, regional health administra­tion officer, regional education officer in the 0inistry of (ducation and 7raining, clerks of works in the 0inistry of 1atural 5esources and (nergy, among others.


7he 5egional 'evelopment 7echnical Committee shall provide technical support to the project approval committee, appraise submitted applicatio­ns to ascertain project viability and sustainabi­lity and vet applicatio­ns to ensure community contributi­on and eliminatio­n of community disputes that may affect the implementa­tion of a project among other duties.

7he report depicts that the 0icroproje­cts Programme Coordinati­ng 8nit will have a role in the fund and it entails facilitati­ng access to the monies of the fund, manage procuremen­t contracts with suppliers, contractor­s and service providers, relating to projects and give technical support to the technical committee in ensuring quality design, implementa­tion, supervisio­n and evaluation of all projects proposed or funded through the fund.

7he minister may make regulation­s or issue instructio­ns to give effect to the objects of this Act including but not limited to the roles and responsibi­lities in relation to the management of public finances, the classifica­tions and other informatio­n requiremen­ts for budgeting, accounting and reporting. It also includes the requiremen­ts for making reallocati­ons of e[penditure, management and control of public property, as well as requiremen­ts relating the management of commitment­s and the release of cash.

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