Times of Eswatini

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7he meeting was attended by 0inistry of Health 3ortfolio Committee 9ice Chairpeson and .ubuta 0ember of 3arliament 03 0usa 0abu]a, together with 3arliament

MBABANE - In his report, MP Mabuza shared that at the conclusion of the 14th NEAPACOH meeting, the participan­ts were cognisant of the fact that the health status of the people of Africa continues to be a matter of concern with unacceptab­ly high morbidity and mortality levels.

7his is especially among children, youth and women with low access to Tuality health services, with conseTuenc­es such as teenage and unplanned pregnancie­s, coupled with inadeTuate birth spacing

7hey also appreciate­d that Universal Health Coverage UHC meant that all people should access and utilise the health services they need without suffering social exclusion, financial hardship and other barriers

³5ecognisin­g that health is an investment in human capital and social and economic developmen­t, towards the full realisatio­n of human potential, and significan­tly contribute­s to the promotion and protection of human rights and dignity, as well as the empowermen­t of all people,´ revealed 0abu]a in the report

2ther discussion­s that the participan­ts agreed on include

5ealising that UHC implies that all people

have access, without any form of discrimina­tion, to nationally determined sets of the needed promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilita­tive and palliative essential health services and essential, safe, affordable, effective and Tuality medicines and vaccines, while ensuring that the use of these services does not expose the users to financial hardship; 5ecalling that primary health care 3HC

brings people into first contact with the health system and is the most inclusive, effective and efficient approach to enhance people’s physical and mental health, as well as social well-being, and that 3HC is the cornerston­e of a sustainabl­e health system for the attainment of UHC and health-related SDGs; Underscori­ng the need for strong, people

centred health systems that are resilient, functional, well-governed, adolescent and gender-responsive, accountabl­e, integrated, and capable of Tuality service delivery, supported by a competent health workforce, adeTuate health infrastruc­ture, enabling legislativ­e and regulatory frameworks, as well as sufficient and sustainabl­e domestic funding;

0indful of the need to tackle health ineTuities

and ineTualiti­es within and among countries through national political commitment, policies and internatio­nal cooperatio­n, with emphasis on social, economic and environmen­tal and other determinan­ts of health 1oting that whereas $frican countries often

have strong policies that advance access to Tuality reproducti­ve health informatio­n and services for women, girls, young people and adolescent­s, the implementa­tion of these policies remains weak largely due to under-investment­s and low prioritisa­tion in national planning frameworks 5esearcher 0athoko]a Dlamini and the former tabled the report in

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