Times of Eswatini

‘Bekezela’ hits #7 across all SA radio stations

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MBABANE – Musician and producer Nhlonipho Dlamini’s latest production work, has landed on number seven and trending across all SA radio stations.


)ive days prior, award winning star 0asandi released a single titled ‘Bekezela’ featuring 0thanda]o *atya, which was produced by 1hlonipho. &ommencing with rhythmical­ly syn copated cowbell thuds and ululating, ‘Bekezela’ seeNs to engross the soul into a trance much earlier than the melody has the opportunit­y to. Ac companied by Neys that are melodi cally charming, edging on the sphere of +ouse music, the tracN gradually builds mechanisms that highlight 0a sandi¶s vocals in ways never heard before. As a musician, Nnown for pro ducing music harnessing 5 % vocal tone, in ‘Bekezela’ 0asandi delivers the melody in traditiona­l =ulu tones, matching those of the featured artist, 0athanda]o *ayta.

5ecording the hit single in a -ohannesbur­g studio, alongside talented producer 1hlonipho, 0asandi travels from his hometown for a col laboration Tuite auspicious. ,f one immediatel­y associates the name 0thanda]o *ayta alongside the great -ohn /egend, then memory serves you well, as 0than da]o captured the world through his retort to -ohn /egend¶s µ1ervous¶ through an open verse challenge.

7he new record is an impressive piece of music that deserves a spot on your playlist and for your listening pleasure and is also available to stream on all digital platforms.

Dlamini has also been trending for his worN such as ‘oMama’ and ‘Yithi

which is part of the artist¶s collaborat­ive worN. features the liNes of 6A¶s 5obot %oy, 3D -oNes and 7he Alpha %oy], Must to name a few. 2ut of the seven songs in the album µ/otto¶ currently has the most streams reaching over . :ith over monthly listen ers on 6potify, the 6A based li6wati is surely souring on foreign soil.


+e has been doing well for himself over the past few months and has had the privilege to get recognitio­n and get interviewe­d on 7race 8rban, &han nel 2, and numerous talN shows on 6A%& through to 6A%& .

+e has shown that through hard worN and determinat­ion, one can achieve any thing, even artists from (swatini. 7he artist is also a music producer, singer and pianist born in 0anNayane. +e found his passion for music after being introduced into &horal music by his mother, who was a teacher and &horal music conduc tor. Dlamini won his first solo competi tion in primary school, and never looNed bacN. +is music has led him to worN with renowned 6A and internatio­nal art ists from the liNes of /uyolo

+e relocated to -ohannesbur­g bacN in , and got a Mob as a lecturer in 0usic 7heory and .eyboard 7ech niTue at Digmac 0edia &ollege in %raamfontei­n, which he says taught him a lot of patience. ,n a previous interview with this publicatio­n, the artist shared that worNing as a teacher taught him that people have different strengths and one needs to maNe sure that everyone in his class moves at the

 ?? (Courtesy pics) ??
(Courtesy pics)
 ?? ?? Masandi’s ‘Bekezela’ featuring Mthandazo Gatya which was produced by Nhlonipho (inset) cover artwork showing the song’s position across all SA radio stations.
Masandi’s ‘Bekezela’ featuring Mthandazo Gatya which was produced by Nhlonipho (inset) cover artwork showing the song’s position across all SA radio stations.

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