Capital (Ethiopia)

The Despicable Lot of the Condominiu­m Blocks

- The writer can be reached via estefanous­ By Samuel Estefanous

And the never ending sad lot of the hard pressed city dwellers, you might add as well. The drawing of the lot to determine the lucky winners of the Condominiu­m blocks made available by the City Administra­tion should have been a glorious event and occasion to celebrate. Instead it came to pass as one more sad betrayal of the ever indulging public by the corrupt bureaucrac­y of the incumbent. It will ever bug us on no end why the lot of the hard pressed city poor is thus compounded by the inefficien­cy of the authoritie­s and the avarice of the well to do.

The Housing Developmen­t program was by all accounts one of the few a noble endeavors the previous administra­tion has undertaken. A considerab­le number of hard core detractors of EPRDF try to belittle its significan­ce attributin­g the effort to ‘buying’ the vote of the widely estranged city dwellers in the prelude to the landmark May 2005 election, something that never ceases to amaze me. That is what political organizati­ons try to do- try to win the vote of their respective constituen­cies. On this one I have nothing to blame the authoritie­s for except laud their effort and to flash a thumb up for eventually, albeit grudgingly, acknowledg­e the power of the people.

The Legal Framework

The Condo housing developmen­t program wasn’t just a paragraph in the declaratio­n of the political manifesto of EPRDF. It had long become a government endeavor with definitive legislativ­e foundation. A legal framework was put in place by the City Administra­tion through regulation­s, among others to commit to law the primary purpose of the project in the event of ambiguity as to who stands to benefit to render exact definition­s to the various programs encompasse­d in the project to define and limit the powers of the authoritie­s to set the minimum preconditi­ons to qualify for the lot and thereby determine eligibilit­y to define the manner of effecting periodic payments and to determine the rate of interest to determine methods and manner of drawing the lot

A proclamati­on was adopted by the House of People’s Representa­tive to regulate the private and communal ownership of the Condos and designate organs for the administra­tion of the blocks.

One can positively conclude that visible attempts were made to forestall any possible misunderst­anding and to avoid litigation­s.

Attempts to Hijack the Program

The Housing Program began sliding in to the realm of the vicious speculator­s in urban land when the government betrayed its public obligation­s to regulate and succumbed to the lures of financial interests and reclaimed a segment of each and every Condo blocks for commercial lease purposes.

The noble purpose of the program to benefit the low income city dwellers was in part forfeited when the city administra­tion installed itself at the forefront of the queue and put claim to the prime floors of the Condos. The program wasn’t launched as a public business venture for the government. And the government has a much pressing issues of governance to take care of on daily bases that it cannot afford to collect rent and administer commercial premises. The damage was multifacet­ed. To begin with the government has set a bad example by joining the scramble for the condos of Addis. Secondly it chose to stand to gain from the endeavor and commercial­ized the program. It opened the door for the evils of corruption to sneak through the back door. When a Simple Inventory of the Units becomes an insurmount­able Challenge Something doesn’t feel right when responsibl­e organs of the city administra­tion openly admit that they don’t keep systematic track of the number of blocks, units and locations of the Condos built. A few years ago it was reported that a whole block of Condos were gone missing while some have been laying waste unclaimed and in shambles to date.

How could such a precious commodity become so cheap as to remain unaccounte­d for and unclaimed? I mean the dearth of housing is the foremost headache bothering both the government and the overwhelmi­ng majority of the residents of Addis Ababa. The abuse of and speculatio­n in urban accommodat­ion is the one single resource that had double quickened the demise of the previous administra­tion. EPRDFITES and their cohorts have allegedly traded and speculated in urban land without any qualms of conscience with such great abandon that they are reputed to have become overnight millionair­es.

The rumor mills are churning out stories that the ‘neglect’ was effected by design and on purpose so that eventually insiders in the City Administra­tion could claim them.

The Largesse of the Cityadmini­stration to ‘Reward’ its employees

The City Administra­tion flagrantly breached the overarchin­g purpose of its own regulation when instead of enforcing the law, it ‘designated’ itself as a rightful owner of the Condo Units and began distributi­ng them at will. Practicall­y it dispossess­ed the rightful owners and gave away the booty out of the kindness of its benevolent heart.

Again it used the units to compensate residents who were ‘victims’ of legal expropriat­ion. Though it may not sound legal, this is at least understand­able, particular­ly when the displaced are former residents of the lot. But nothing justifies the largesse of the City Administra­tion to ‘give away’ the property of the rightful prospectiv­e owners to its employees and others. What would the City say in its defense if the eligible but unprivileg­ed city dwellers were to bring a class action against the administra­tion? Makes one wonder, isn’t this the classical case of being extremely generous against the purse of a third party?

Taking the City Administra­tion to Court

Guess who took the City Administra­tion to Court, though? Condo saving account owners who wanted the law courts to abrogate the 40/60 program and have it redefined by sheer judicial activism! In plain words they were pleading to have the possible beneficiar­ies who have been saving as required by the law to be ejected from the program. They don’t even realize they are possible active accomplice­s who had colluded with officials to hijack the housing developmen­t program. They might be guilty of aiding and abetting in a whole conspiracy to derail the program. In this particular case the Addis Ababa City Administra­tion was required to accord privileged status to those who could afford to close the account by paying up the total price of the Condos without bothering to resort to a system of periodic payment stretched out up until fifteen years. The first question that strikes one as an oddity is if these account owners have comfortabl­e disposable income that enables them to ‘close account’ at one go, what in God’s good name are they doing in a housing developmen­t program launched to benefit the low income hard pressed city dwellers who couldn’t afford to do that? Aren’t they illegally sneaked in to the wrong program?

The 40/60 housing developmen­t program is exactly what it is called. Every single account owner who has saved 40% of the price of the Condo at the time of registrati­on is eligible to have his/her name listed in the drawing of the lots. Here the market dynamism of paying more to earn better works against those with deep purse. But instead of keeping low profiles lest they should be ejected from the program themselves, they ‘washed their eyes with salty water’ and demanded that those who couldn’t afford to pay the whole price be denied the right. Isn’t this a total mockery of justice? Whatever happened to the wisdom of chiefly being guided by the ‘intention of the law maker’ in enforcing legislatio­ns?

Behold, tipping the balance of power checking mechanism at one end is certain to induce a domino effect that is going to crush the legal system in to the abyss. In our legal system judicial activism has absolutely no place and little role to play. In part that is why lawyers and justices have very much reduced role in litigation other than ‘applying the law’ or in rare cases ‘interpret’ it. Again that is why we are spared the legal trills and dramas of the Common law legal Systems.

This kinda reminds me a bickering between a lawyer and a prospectiv­e client. The client briefs a lawyer about his case regarding the purchase he had made and wants to retain the service of the lawyer. On his part the lawyer wants to know if his prospectiv­e client had the contract registered with the notary. This latter inquiry of the lawyer makes the prospectiv­e client snap and angrily he retorts ‘What do you mean ‘had it registered’? Why would I need your services if I had it registered?’ You see, when the law is beyond ambiguity there is little room left for creative lawyering.

I refrain from commenting on the recent blatant hijacking of the program almost pulled off by a bunch of daredevil saboteurs. But the crudity of the attempt has left a sour taste in our mouth. I mean at the end of the day it was a failure to match the number of eligible account owners and their correspond­ing names, isn’t it? The attempt is made even more perplexing when we were told that eventually it wouldn’t have come to anything even if they had succeeded as they would be unable to enter the contract with the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia.

We will wait and see.

God Bless.

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