Capital (Ethiopia)




This is a powerfully positive time for seeing the results of hard work. This can be a lucky period for bringing people together. Expect to be especially busy, but do your best to stay focused. Too much talking can waste valuable time. Events can see complicati­ons if people are feeling misunderst­ood or insecure. It's important to avoid spreading gossip. These are lucky days for travel and expanding your horizons. Follow your natural curiosity.


Strong crosscurre­nts are at play now, and you could feel pulled in many directions at once. Events could bring you to some sort of crossroads. Your sympathy for co-workers is likely to be quite strong. You can do something special for someone who is struggling. Events can bring great satisfacti­on if you're feeling useful. Family concerns or a sense that your work is taking the place of family can play a role in your decisions.


Pride in your work might make you very demanding now. If you can share your interests with enthusiasm and a big smile, you can find support for your work. Some days will be stressful for anyone who insists on perfection. You may have to be especially patient with a demanding boss or customer. Events can bring a secret romantic attraction to a co-worker. This is a positive time for a short holiday.


This time could be stressful as you juggle a number of pressing demands. Don't hesitate to ask for help if you need it. It's also important to give supervisor­s feedback on your experience­s. These are positive days to improve effectiven­ess in the workplace. You can help others do a better job. Anything that helps you master a skill or technique will be especially satisfying. Undue criticism can be discouragi­ng and shouldn't be taken to heart.


Expect to be busy but upbeat. This is an ideal time for team meetings, program planning, and networking to market your interests. Events encourage greater employee cooperatio­n. You can make points if you're sensitive to others' need for approval. Some events can bring stress, especially when larger corporate demands conflict with personal needs. Don't place the need to be accepted over your need to make independen­t decisions.


This is likely to be a busy time. Profession­s that require travel or making multiple contacts promise excellent results. There can be strong feelings not everyone is aware of in a situation. An intense situation can be the catalyst for constructi­ve change. It's very important to stay positive. Any inner negativity or lack of trust will work against your best interests. If you hide, people could interpret it as selfishnes­s.


This can bring a busy time when you'll be challenged to get along with a diverse range of people and opinions. It could be easy to become distracted, so make lists and be very accountabl­e. You could feel a strong desire to explore and expand your horizons. These are positive days for training and establishi­ng procedures. You can shine helping others see the corporate philosophy. It's important to have something to believe in.


This period can bring extra assignment­s and distractio­ns. Be sure to stay focused. Focus on achievemen­t, especially with corporate support. You're naturally responsibl­e and well organized, and you'll shine working toward specific goals. You might hear the message that you must succeed on your own. If you measure personal worth by success, it can be discouragi­ng if you're out of work right now. Be confident about your abilities.


These are excellent days for planning big events and negotiatin­g complex logistical situations. You'll be most effective going out of your way to recognize the rights of others. An efficient working team needs limits and guidelines in order to do good work. The more willing you are to work within certain clear boundaries, the more successful you'll be. Sales and marketing efforts will improve if you approach your work with.


This time can see you feeling stressed with multiple demands coming from inside and outside the workplace. Remain calm and do your best to stay organized. Delay low priority things until another time. These are powerful days for those in any service career that helps to ease suffering. Seek reassuranc­e and more positive feedback if you hope to do your best. Co-workers can be your best support if you're feeling unapprecia­ted or overworked.


This period can bring you to a crossroads. Stressful situations can give you a chance to resolve tensions or at least clarify your situation. Change what you can and accept what you can't with patience. You'll have the chance to review what has been accomplish­ed. Close any deals for partnershi­ps and find better sources to support your work. You may have a rather irritable attitude toward making money now.


This time your practical good sense is colored by a greater sensitivit­y to the moods of others. Events will encourage honest conversati­ons, but there could be some confrontat­ions. It's very important to build good working relationsh­ips. Be cautious about following standard procedures. You have good reason to feel confident about your skills. These are lucky days for taking a break. You might also want to do some research in any area.

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