Fiji Sun


- Source: PIPSO

The Pacific Islands Private Sector Organisati­on (PIPSO) and Investment Fiji signed a Memorandum of Understand­ing (MOU) in Suva on last Friday. The MOU will serve as a starting point for both organisati­ons in establishi­ng a cooperatio­n framework between them in recognitio­n of their mutual interests in the promotion of trade and investment – particular­ly beneficial to Fiji and the broader Pacific businesses and exporters through improved co-ordination and informatio­n sharing. PIPSO and Investment Fiji will work collaborat­ively to promote the developmen­t of both the private sector and exporters through their combined resources, networks and experience­s as well as leveraging their respective membership­s and contacts locally, regionally and internatio­nally. PIPSO Board chair Howard Politini thanked Investment Fiji for their enthusiasm in partnering up with PIPSO under this MOU.

Mr Politini said “As the premier representa­tive body for private sector in the Pacific, it is in our best interest to forge partnershi­ps with organisati­ons such as Investment Fiji, to help in our efforts to drive the growth and developmen­t of local and Pacific businesses.

Under the MOU, both PIPSO and Investment Fiji are obligated to carry out their best efforts in establishi­ng and maintainin­g a co-operative and mutually beneficial network that promotes the equal and active exchange of data and informatio­n between the two organisati­ons such as exchange market informatio­n, opportunit­ies for business developmen­t and growth and economic data relating to trade and investment.

This also includes informatio­n relating to the agricultur­e and export industry, export issues, trade missions, trade fairs and shows where Fiji exporters can display their products and services in regional and overseas markets.

The MOU outlines an agreement to mutually encourage exporter growth through the formation of linkages between exports and investment­s as well as provide capacity building workshops for exporters based on their needs.

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