Fiji Sun

Parking spaces


Dewan Chand,


Through your esteemed newspaper I write to commend Simon Hazelman and Norman Yee for raising the issue of lack of parking spaces near government offices and hospitals.

It is really a nightmare for the clients to visit government offices and find reasonable parking space.

The planners seem to be least bothered with the idea of providing parking spaces for clients who seek government services.

I live in Suva and visit CWM Hospital and the Suvavou House on a regular basis and it is frustratin­g to see the hassle vehicle owners have to go through. Streets adjacent to Suvavou House do not have ample parking space, so clients are forced to seek parking spaces in the lane between the Holiday Inn Suva and the aforementi­oned government building.

To make matters even more painful Suva City Council officers gleefully book the offending vehicle owners. Some vehicles have even been towed away and the owners have had to pay heavy penalties! At CWM Hospital the parking spaces have been very badly designed and one can always witness the chaos during the peak hours. Extension Street, adjacent to the New Wing of CWM, is a very busy place because of the location of Fiji School of Medicine just next door. The National Diabetes Centre is the most neglected part of CWM because it is housed in an old dilapidate­d colonial building with very ancient facilities. No one seems to care and the patients simply have to rough it out.

The Physiology Department and the Children’s Wing have a similar story to tell.

In my view CWM Hospital has ample space for building of a modern multistore­y car park, even if it is on “user pay basis”.

Not too long ago we heard that the Health Ministry returned unused $40 million to the Government’s central fund. Why could not the authoritie­s use this money to build a new National Diabetes Centre and much-needed parking space?

We are proud of our achievemen­ts under the FijiFirst Government, but the national planners will have to get their act together vis-à-vis much-needed parking spaces at all regional hospitals and government offices.

Could this be treated as an urgent national cry?

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