Fiji Sun


- Deptfo News

The role of provincial treasurers as watchdogs of the daily financial operations for their provincial councils was re-emphasised by the permanent secretary for iTaukei Affairs, Naipote Katonitabu­a.

Mr Katonitabu­a made the call at the workshop for 14 provincial treasurers which he opened in Suva yesterday. “I am emphasisin­g your role as the watchdogs because the majority of the funding comes directly from members of the respective provinces through the and also through the government subvention­s funds of the Ministry of iTaukei Affairs,” Mr Katonitabu­a said.

“Another role that I would like to stress is to account for all money received and money spent and whenever possible where it is invested.”

Mr Katonitabu­a stressed basic values and principles of administra­tion are important drivers to their culture of service.

“Lastly, it’s about honesty which is an integral part or the moral principles of a treasurer. I would like to urge all of you to maintain high ethical standards and to be more analytical,” he said.

“In my last meeting with you in Nadave I have reminded you all that gone are the days where we sit back and go with the flow or work on business as usual mode.”

Mr Katonitabu­a reminded the officers of their trend of bad practices within the service which has resulted in the terminatio­n of officers in the past some of whom have had their cases referred to the police.

He also emphasised that provincial treasurers need to have leadership traits. “First and foremost is honesty and integrity. I think that is very critical as a treasurer. “I would also like you to have more passion and commitment in your work. You will help those decision makers or Roko Tui and his assistants to spend or not to spend or invest funds for provinces.

“Accountabi­lity role is very important in the role of a treasurer. And I again re-emphasize that you are accountabl­e to your Roko Tui, the Deputy CEO, the CEO and the Chairman of the iTaukei Affairs Board,” Mr Katonitabu­a said.

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