Fiji Sun

Yes, You Can Actually Catch An ‘OFfiCE COLD’! HERE IS HOW TO PREVENT IT

- HERE IS HOW TO PREVENT OFFICE COLD. Times of India Feedback:

Cold and flu are both highly contagious. You might just be one sneeze away from a runny nose yourself when the person sitting next to you suffers from it. That is just how a cold infection spreads and this phenomenon seems to be pretty common in a closed environmen­t, like an office.

It is very possible that even if you have gotten sick before, you can catch a cold again. After all, the dreaded seasonal change is back and everybody is complainin­g of the same cold and cough. And unlike the other places you catch cold from, since all the affected people are technicall­y in the same surroundin­g, the virus also just stays there. This is primarily the reason why a cold infection that you caught out of “nowhere” just won’t go that easy!.

ALWAYS WASH YOUR HANDS Keeping yourself germ-free and washing your hands is the first step to follow, whenever you are recovering from any kind of sickness. Wash them religiousl­y, for a minimum of 20 seconds if you want to save other people from falling sick too. While you are at it, make sure to disinfect surfaces you come in contact with.


Believe it or not, if you are not getting your daily hours of needed sleep, you are at a higher chance of catching a cold than your coworkers! A recent study found that adults, who did not get more than five to six hours of sleep every day were four times more likely to catch a cold or the flu than the others. KEEP A DECONGESTA­NT HANDY With something as common as the common cold, you cannot let that take a toll on your work. The only thing apart from medicines which could help you in times of need is a decongesta­nt, which could relieve the congestion temporaril­y and help you stay in the clear.

TAKE SMALL LITTLE BREAKS Yes, moving around and having small little breaks in between those 8 hours of work can be great for your health. If you work for long hours without catching a break, the stress hormone, cortisol is triggered, which ultimately makes the body more susceptibl­e to catching the cold bug. Hence, take a break to relieve some stress and stay away from the viral spread. STAY HYDRATED

Is there really anything water can’t solve? Not really! In fact, if you level up your water intake, it can replenish your body of the fluids that it has been missing due to the sickness and also make you feel full when your mouth taste won’t let you eat anything!


There is another benefit of replacing your morning cup of coffee with green tea at the workplace. While you might feel that caffeine helps you get started with the day, herbal and green teas are loaded with catechins and antioxidan­ts which boost the body’s immunity, apart from the natural ingredient­s loaded in it.

EXERCISE Exercise is not just for weight loss. If you want to double up your chances and stay safe from the infamous cold, sweat it out, even on days when you just don’t feel like it. Practicing any kind of exercise can keep the immunity strong and help you stay safe.

 ??  ?? Cold and Flu.
Cold and Flu.
 ??  ?? Always wash your hands.
Always wash your hands.
 ??  ?? Do not skimp on sleep
Do not skimp on sleep

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