Fiji Sun

Racial comments

Tukai Lagonilake­ba, Nadi

- Feedback:

It is surprising to read of the National Federation Party leader, Biman Prasad, deploring race-based insulting comments.

Where was he when his SODELPA brothers in the Opposition spent the last Parliament throwing barrages of racebased insinuatio­n, where Mr Prasad did nothing to stop them.

He just watched the SODELPA MPs do it unchalleng­ed by him.

He never dared speak out against their childish and disrespect­ful utterances, including the iTaukei slurs from the Tui Cakau Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu levelled at the Speaker of Parliament, Dr Jiko Luveni, to which he was suspended for. The NFP leader failed to reprimand former party president, Roko Tupou Draunidalo, for her comments in Parliament, which she was also suspended for.

I do not trust the NFP leader because he is still on the same side of the House again.

As always Prime Minister Voreqe Bainimaram­a and Attorney-General Aiyaz Sayed-Khaiyum would defend the nonsense in our Parliament.

But I sincerely hope Mr Prasad is genuine, maintains some consistenc­y and show his true colours in the next sitting of Parliament.

Is this a complete turnaround for Mr Prasad or has his senses kicked in? Anything race-based is wrong and all right-thinking Fijians must stand up against it.

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