Fiji Sun

Party’s ‘takeover’ of SODELPA well and truly complete


When the People’s Democratic Party (PDP) had formed an alliance with the Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) prior to the 2018 general elections, they had done also as a smaller partner, one seeking support for survival.

Today, the takeover of SODELPA by the former PDP seems to be complete.

In fact, with the latest court ruling on SODELPA, one thing is certain, the takeover of SODELPA by the former People’s Democratic Party is well and truly complete.

Two officials who came from PDP are the ones eligible to hold two powerful posts in SODELPA - Opposition whip and Party President position.

While General Secretary Adi Litia is working hard to do damage control, she needs to know according to their Constituti­on, the only person who is eligible to replace Ro Filipe Tuisawau as Party President is PDP’s Vijay Singh.

Mr Singh is the last man standing as the only Vice President of the Party and is the only one eligible to hold the Party President post.

Anare Jale’s term has expired as has Ratu Naiqama Lalabalavu’s.

There are suggestion­s that he is now unavailabl­e.

But had he tendered his resignatio­n prior to this ruling? Is his unavailabi­lity a ploy to keep him away from the top job?

Well-done PDP.

This has been made possible due to the massive infighting and complete lack of transparen­cy within SODELPA. So much so that the main Opposition Party has even been accused of vote tampering at their own annual general meeting, something which should be of grave concern to every person who voted for this party.

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