Fiji Sun

Open airports again



With the good news that we are now COVID-19 free and the contact tracing app will be available next week, we should be able to open our airports again to tourists with certain freedoms and safeguards.

The safeguards are that all passengers must have a clear doctor’s certificat­e, temperatur­es to be checked before boarding and on arrival. And perhaps no relatives or themselves had had the virus.

Freedoms: No quarantine on arrival, but contact tracing app to be used and to see doctor as soon one feels sick.

This will bring the airline back into business again and all the hotels and tour companies as well.

Maybe we should also forget about social distancing as well since I noticed in general all this time people are really not following this ruling at supermarke­ts, on the streets, and queuing outside FNPF.

In fact, we should reopen everything except maybe the swimming pools for obvious reasons. Here’s hoping that this is going to happen soon.

All this is possible because of the hard work put in by our Minster for Health and his staff, and the Police Commission­er and his officers.

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