Fiji Sun



New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says the alert level system is designed to work when there are active cases at lower levels, despite some experts saying it could be too soon.

She told Morning Report COVID19can­not only be managed at levels 3 and 4.

She says the move to level 2.5 while the Auckland cluster continues to grow is what the system is designed for.

Ms Ardern said she received advice that restrictio­ns of gatherings in Auckland to a limit of 10 was “very important”.

“You’ll see from the alert level framework that we set from the very beginning of this pandemic, it has anticipate­d being at level 2 whilst we’re managing cases. “Our system is designed to be able to do that. What we need to ensure is that we’ve got really good compliance with the other things we expect at level 2 in order to be able to make that work.”

Ms Ardern said everyone must play their part by social distancing and wearing masks.

“Masks are not a substitute for keeping our distance.

“If we all play our role, then we are able to continue to manage the cases that we do have in a 2.5 environmen­t.”

However, some experts warn it’s too early to move from alert level 3 in Auckland.

The National Maori Pandemic Group says the Auckland cluster of COVID-19cases isn’t well enough contained for the region to move down a level.

Te Ropu Whakakaupa­pa Uruta had urged the government to halt the relaxation of restrictio­ns while community transmissi­on of the virus is at current levels.

Feedback: jyotip@

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 ??  ?? New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.

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