Fiji Sun

Tabuya Tabu cautions SODELPA Executive Management Board

- FONUA TALEI Feedback: Edited by Ranoba Baoa

Opposition Whip Lynda Tabuya has threatened to sue SODELPA’s Executive Management Board in the event her presidency for the Nasinu Constituen­cy is nullified.

Ms Tabuya, who is contending for the deputy leader role, was recorded on video appearing to be making her point clear during a members’ meeting last week. The meeting is understood to have taken place before the party’s Management Board Meeting, which was also held in the past week.

It comes after the SODELPA Secretaria­t had ruled that her election was invalid. This is because none of its officers was present to oversee the election as an independen­t observer and to ensure that the provisions of the party constituti­on were complied with.

When contacted yesterday, Ms Tabuya did not deny the claims but said: “I’m sorry I can’t comment as the issue is still live in the party processes so I wish to respect the integrity of the process and let the management board decide on the issue when it meets at the end of this month.” SODELPA general secretary Emele Duituturag­a said an arbiter was yet to be appointed to resolve the issue.

Party leader Sitiveni Rabuka, who is currently on a “listening” tour with the National Federation Party in the Western Division, could not be reached for a comment.

SODELPA’s Management Board has got a battle on its hands. Opposition Whip Lynda Tabuya will fight tooth and nail to defend her election as the president of the Nasinu Constituen­cy Council according to her close associates.

The legal option has not been ruled out

Her election is a subject of dispute. It will now go to a special committee and an arbiter to adjudicate in the matter after it went from the Working Committee and the Management Board unresolved.

The secretaria­t had ruled that her election was invalid because none of its officers was present to oversee the election as an independen­t observer and to ensure that the provisions of the party constituti­on were complied with.

Mr Tabuya is claiming that there was no breach and the election was conducted fairly and freely in compliance with the constituti­on.

Her associates say this dispute is not a good look for Ms Tabuya and so she will do whatever she can to win her case because her reputation is on the line.

Because of her big support in the Nasinu area she could win a fresh election with little effort.

But she is concerned about the implicatio­n of this case in the wider context.

She is being touted as a one of the top contenders for deputy leader irrespecti­ve of who becomes party leader.

She is in the same moderates camp as those now in control of the party administra­tion.

So the dispute has come as a surprise among moderates.

Those in party headquarte­rs were trying to follow the constituti­on to the letter of the law when they invalidate­d her election. But she has disputed their grounds.

Ms Tabuya is a survivor. When she realised that she could not achieve her political ambition with the People’s Democratic Party she and Vijay Singh joined SODELPA in a special deal brokered by Mr Rabuka. That is why she will always have time for him although he belongs to the other faction, the conservati­ve right wing. Some are already speculatin­g that she could be the running mate for Mr Rabuka who is seeking a second term as party leader. There are those in the party who envy her rapid rise through the ranks capping it with a block busting performanc­e in the 2018 General Election. She polled the second highest votes for SODELPA after Mr Rabuka. She was recognised for helping to raise SODELPA’s profile in the labour movement’, the women fraternity and among the young people.

She was rewarded with the position of Opposition Whip. Again attempts were made in caucus to oust her as Whip, but Mr Rabuka blocked it.

So if she plays her cards right she could be positionin­g herself for a future leadership role.

 ?? Photo: Ronald Kumar ?? Opposition Whip and SODELPA Member of Parliament, Lynda Tabuya.
Photo: Ronald Kumar Opposition Whip and SODELPA Member of Parliament, Lynda Tabuya.
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