Fiji Sun

Nawaikula Claims FICAC Arrest as ‘Threatenin­g and Intimidati­ng’

- INOKE RABONU SUVA Feedback: Edited by Selita Bolanavanu­a

Social Democratic Liberal Party (SODELPA) Member of Parliament, Niko Nawaikula, claimed the Fiji Independen­t Commission against Corruption ( FICAC) acted in a ‘threatenin­g and intimidati­ng’ manner. Mr Nawaikula was taken in at 10pm on Tuesday outside the Gateway Hotel in Nadi to be interviewe­d at the FICAC Headquarte­rs in Suva.

He and fellow SODELPA MP, Simione Rasova, were interviewe­d overnight. The duo were released from custody on Wednesday afternoon.

According to FICAC, the arrest was in regards to the complaint referred to FICAC by the Secretary-General of Parliament, Viniana Namosimalu­a, regarding allegation­s on the breach of the Parliament­ary Remunerati­on Act of 2014.

The nature of the complaint alleges that nine MPs claimed travel and accommodat­ion allowances they were not entitled to and in doing so, breached the above-mentioned Act.

Mr Nawaikula said: “I only had a T-shirt and shorts, left my room without checking out and my vehicle parked at the hotel car yard.

“My only comfort then was seeing Mr Rasova in the other cell. ”

SODELPA general secretary, Emele Duituturag­a, assured party members and supporters that they would continue to uphold the principles of accountabi­lity and transparen­cy and co-operate with authoritie­s as required before the law.

A statement by FICAC yesterday stated that the duo had assured them that they would attend their next caution interview session.

 ?? SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula. ??
SODELPA MP Niko Nawaikula.

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