Fiji Sun

NZ West Coast hit by heavy floods after month of rain falls in one weekend


Wellington: New Zealand’s West Coast has been hit by severe flooding, with a local state of emergency declared and thousands evacuated from their homes.

The latest floods arrived in the aftermath of heavy rains and storms over the past two months that prompted states of emergency in Canterbury and Wellington.

In parts of the West Coast, around 300mm of rain fell over a single weekend – around a month’s average rainfall concentrat­ed into two days.

The heavy rain caused slips, rivers to break their banks, and more than 2000 residents to be evacuated.

While no single flooding event can be directly attributed to the climate crisis, scientists have long warned that global heating would increase the number and likelihood of extreme weather events, including flooding, wildfires and heatwaves.

As the atmosphere gets warmer, it holds more moisture, which in turn leads to heavier rainfall. On Sunday, the Government announced NZ$600,000 (FJ$868,908.46) in emergency aid to the affected districts.

“While it is too early to know the full cost of the damage, we expect it to be significan­t … a big cleanup and recovery effort lies ahead,” the acting Minister for Emergency Management, Kris Faafoi, said.

The Agricultur­e Minister, Damien O’Connor, announced financial support for farmers, saying that “the scale of impact is beyond the communitie­s’ ability to cope”.

The extreme weather comes as other parts of the world are reeling from flooding, including Germany, Austria, Belgium, the Netherland­s, London, Edinburgh, and Tokyo.

 ?? Flooding in New Zealand’s Buller District. Photo: New Zealand Defence Force ??
Flooding in New Zealand’s Buller District. Photo: New Zealand Defence Force

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