Fiji Sun

No Jab: right

- Feedback:

Ronnie Chang, Martintar, Nadi.

Yes! By all means, it is being said, it is one’s personal right not to get COVID Vaccinatio­n.

By the very similar respect, by not getting vaccinated, it is not your right to infect others immediatel­y around you.

An unvaccinat­ed deceased, can easily infect and super-spread this deadly COVID Virus, to all in the same household. Respectful­ly, where does all this end? So many Brownie points being scored. So much tit-for-rat.

Only in our beloved Fiji, especially in the greater Suva Peninsula, LOCKDOWN is not an acceptable option.

Political and economical reasoning reign supreme. They override daily losses of human lives.

Guess, this super-cedes all medical sciences; instructio­ns and protocols. Am I grossly wrong?

Remember, Fiji in the Colonial era under our then political masters, Great Britain, a leper colony was created.

One tough decision was taken by our colonial masters, of the time - just to stop/prevent super-spreading.

Times have changed considerab­ly.

In the midst of so many daily COVID deaths, no fewer total then 111 from April 2021 to 08:00am Monday, July 19th, 2021; people are sadly dying at home from this deadly virus.

Most respectful­ly, prayers and religious beliefs alone, do not solve this huge deathly nightmare.

Human rights issue cloud many thousands who still reluctantl­y refuse the one possible protection, ‘COVID JAB’.

There is this deadly dogged-determinat­ion to refuse the only protection we have.

If in the final analysis, in my humble view, GOD cannot help those who refuse to help themselves. I will stand corrected.

If I faulter, “Mea culpa; Mea culpa; Mea maxima culpa.” (Latin for: Through my fault; Through my fault; Through my most grevious fault). Then, please forgive me.

I am so sorry, O LORD my GOD in JESUS Holy Name, I pray. AMEN.

I am merely trying ever-so-hard encourage our fellow mankind, please have a change of heart. I beg you. Please get COVID Vaccinated.

No Jab. No Protection. No Life.

Your own choice now.

Don’t say this retired Nadi voice did not speak up.

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