Fiji Sun

Raising breast cancer awareness is a must: Mohammed

- SHREEYA VERMA SUVA Feedback: shreeya.verma@fijisun.

As a woman, I wanted to make that impact to all Fijians that together we can make a difference with this fight and for the survivors I can always be your support system.

Breast Cancer Awareness month is marked in countries across every October. Being Helping Hands Fiji founder, Razia Mohammed said she had supported and assisted many women who were diagnosed with breast cancer.

“Raising breast cancer awareness helps to increase attention and support for the awareness, early detection treatment and as well as palliative care for the disease,” she said.

“We support the fighters, the survivors and respect the fallen.

In our country there isn’t sufficient knowledge on the cause of breast cancer.

“If breast cancer is detected early and adequate diagnosis and treatment are available there are chances of getting breast cancer cured.

“Lots of lives are lost because most women are diagnosed at late stages due to mainly lack of awareness on early detection and barriers to health.

“As a woman, I wanted to make that impact to all Fijians that together we can make a difference with this fight and for the survivors I can always be your support system.”

She also said breast cancer was the most common invasive cancer in women and second leading cancer death in women.

“It can happen to all the ladies in our lives our mothers, sisters, wives or daughters. Let’s take this step together and save few ladies going through this journey of breast cancer,” Ms Razia said.

She advised those diagnosed with breast cancer to stay strong and always seek emotional assistance if they wanted to talk to someone about thier thoughts.

“Offering someone who has breast cancer, either be a men or a women, emotional help during their breast cancer journey can be very powerful.”

 ?? ?? Razia Mohammed raising breast cancer awareness.
Razia Mohammed raising breast cancer awareness.

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