Fiji Sun


Independen­ce after 96 years as a British colony


HAPPY Fiji Day Viti. 51 years old today. What began as a decision by Ratu Cakobau and his chiefs in the 1870s to cede Fiji to the Crown was celebrated with Fiji’s Independen­ce on the same date 96 years later.

Between that Fiji went through administra­tion and legislativ­e changes that saw agricultur­e as the main source of income for the young colony. The first 50 years of colonial rule changes were introduced. In 1929 official members of the Legislativ­e Council rose to 13, selected European members dropped to 6, the franchise was granted to Indians who elected three members and Fijian representa­tives rose to three. An important change was introduced in January 1951 when the Legislativ­e Council was given financial autonomy, formerly it could not approve the colonial budget without reference to London. However in 1956 a Speaker of the Legislativ­e Council was appointed to preside over its proceeding­s when the Governor was not present. This was an important political step for Fiji and Ratu Sir Lala Sukuna became the first Speaker.

From 1961 our journey to Independen­ce began with proposals to introduce a full ministeria­l system of Government, there was a strong opposition but constituti­onal changes were still announced. In April and May of 1970 members of the Legislativ­e Council attended the London Constituti­onal Conference. It was through the Conference report that the new Constituti­on of Fiji was based. The date was then proposed and the report endorsed by the Fiji Legislativ­e Council and by the British Parliament.

The tone for the event was set, at 5.30pm 9th October the Union Jack was lowered after 96 years. This simple ceremony was witnessed by Prince Charles, foreign representa­tives and thousands of Fijians. The very next day 10th October 1970 at 9.30am, Prince Charles read a personal message from the Queen to the people over Fiji and handed over to the Prime Minister, Ratu Sir Kamisese Mara, the Constituti­onal Instrument­s creating Fiji and Independen­t State within the Commonweal­th. At 10am the new national flag was raised. Fiji had become master of its own destiny.



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