Fiji Sun

How to Protect Yourself from Viral Flu

- INOKE RABONU Edited by Maikeli Seru Feedback: inoke,rabonu@fijisun.

The Ministry of Health and Medical Services has noted an increase in people presenting with influenza-like illnesses at health centres and hospitals across the country.

This is amid the rise of COVID-19 cases also recorded here recently.

Permanent Secretary Dr James Fong said this was currently a global trend a with the proliferat­ion of flu viruses following prolonged low exposure due to COVID measures. Dr Fong said while the impact on hospital admissions caseload was minimal and remained manageable, all COVID-safe measures remained in hospitals, senior citizens homes and those caring for older relatives.


■ Members of the public are also advised to stay at home when feeling unwell and wear face masks when going outside in order to minimise the spread of infection;

■ Hand washing and covering your mouth when coughing should be followed at all times;

■ Anyone with a fever or is feeling unwell should stay home from work in order to help stop the spread of illness at their workplaces.

Flu Symptoms

Cough, sore throat, muscle/ body aches, headache, fatigue, runny nose, sneezing, vomiting, and diarrhoea (more common in children).

While most people will develop these symptoms and recover in about 7-10 days, some will develop more serious illnesses that will require hospitaliz­ation. Please immediatel­y seek medical care if you develop any of the following symptoms:

■ Difficulty breathing or shortness of breath

■ Pain or heaviness in the chest

■ Inability to stay awake or confusion

■ Severe muscle pain

■ Weakness and unsteadine­ss

■ Worsening of chronic condition

■ Any other symptom of concern, for example, severe vomiting

How is it spread?

You can catch influenza when an infected person sneezes or coughs and you breathe it in, or if you have direct contact or touch a surface or object that has the virus on it and then touch your mouth, nose or eyes.


Measures should be familiar as they are essentiall­y the same as for COVID-19. Wear a mask or face covering that covers your mouth and nose when in a public place, wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer, avoid crowds, stay home if you are sick, and cover your mouth and nose if you cough or sneeze.


The sick persons may develop

high fever from the illness. They should dress lightly and avoid heavy blankets or excessive layers of clothes that could make them feel hotter.

A mild fever does not need treatment as fever is the body’s way of fighting off an infection. A lukewarm bath can also help them cool off and wind down before taking a nap or going to sleep for the night.

Seek medical care

For children, sometimes even the best at-home care isn’t enough to help your little one make a full recovery. Seek medical care right away if any of the following symptoms are noted:

Fever greater than 38°C for more than two days, or a fever of 40°C or higher for any amount of time

Fever of 38°C or higher and is under three-month old

Fever that doesn’t get better after taking Panadol

Seem unusually drowsy or lethargic

Won’t eat or drink

Fast breathing or wheezing or is short of breath

Has bluish lips or face Dehydratio­n and not passing urine or no tears when crying

Severe muscle pain and child refuses to walk


After your child recovers, there are steps you can take to prevent cold and flu in the future;

Wash all surfaces they came into contact with before or during their sickness;

Encourage your children and other family members to wash their hands regularly to keep germs at bay

Teach your child not to share food, drinks, or utensils when they eat.

 ?? Photo: Leon Lord ?? Wear a mask or face covering that covers your mouth and nose when in a public place.
Photo: Leon Lord Wear a mask or face covering that covers your mouth and nose when in a public place.

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