Fiji Sun

Ratu Pasikali


Ronnie Chang, Nadi

In life’s journey, we too get to encounter some sad, painful and sorrow-filled moments and experience­s. We shed some tears too. On Saturday, at about 09:30am, my good and caring pilot friend, Koro, his teenage son Gabriel and I entered the big village Methodist Church in Nawaka, Nadi, on the sad occasion of thanksgivi­ng service for the late teenager and Natabua High School, and Fiji U-20 rising rugby star, Ratu Pasikali Naevo – the proud son of Ratu Apisai and Jessica Naevo.

This church was jammedpack­ed to capacity and overflowin­g, busting at its seams. The huge congregati­on could have easily signified an elderly high chief was being farewelled in his church. Low and behold, young Ratu Pasikali was accorded the highest respect for thousands to witness. The occasion was streamed live too. The service started an hour late for various protocols to be accorded. Upon the funeral cortege’s entry into Nawaka, Ratu Pasi was given his fitting farewell in the chiefly home of the Momo Levu, na Tui Nawaka.

The Natabua High School marching band, pall bearers and accompanyi­ng proud fellow students admirably brought their fallen “shining rugby star” and hero for the last time to his village church.

The numerous accolades accorded to Ratu Pasikali confirmed the rich legacy this fine young man has now left behind.

An almost unbeatable rich legacy many stirring words were spoken during numerous eulogies.

In my view, in spoken iTaukei and English, the principal of Ratu Pasi’s high school, Natabua, Verendra Sharma, captured enormous attention and even drew applause.

There were several moments when the congregati­on could not help but choke as well. Tears flowed. Such fitting tributes beyond comprehens­ion for this fallen teenage rugby hero.

Ratu Pasi’s mum, Jessica Naevo’s hymn, bravely sung to emotional perfection, and a highly-charged fitting farewell to her fallen teenage son, brought an over-flowing of tears. Many wept silently (me included).

As the funeral cortege exited his village church for the last time, shortly after 1pm, mourners in every shed in the village rara (ground) and every veranda, sat in hushed silence in utmost reverence and respect for their fallen teenage rugby star and hero. Our sincere sympathies and heart-felt condolence­s must go to Ratu Aipsai and Jessie Naevo, families, extended families, relatives and friends.

Your loss is enormous. Your grief, sorrow and pain are offered to the Lord your God. May you find strength in Him to carry on, each passing day.

Your caring retired ‘kai Nadi’ shares his thoughts most respectful­ly. We will all meet again, some sweet day, in distant shores between pearly gates where roses, orchids, seni jiale and senibua, never fade. Rest well, saravou.

We were privileged to witness the Vanua of Nawaka, Nadi, proudly farewell their teenage son with so much dignity and respect.

Our thanks must go to the distinguis­hed presence of the coalition Government’s delegation including the Fiji Rugby Union’s HPU officials.

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