The Fiji Times

Violence and pandemic


Alcohol and brawl

WHILE our country is struggling with this pandemic, we have those bunch of people who found it fit to get involved in huge brawl that erupted at Jittu Estate Suva. Sadder the reason which was gathering for alcohol.

Was it necessary?

Our country is battling with such hardships yet some people cannot help combat it and rather get into brawls that could have been avoided.

Lautoka recorded another case after so long and things seem to be getting out of hand while we are being reminded by the authoritie­s that everything is under control although the chances of cases increasing are high. We are going round and round again and don’t know for how long?

To the public, this is not the time to fight and going crazy for alcohol. This is the time to understand and make others understand. Let’s hope common sense prevails and people understand the serious catastroph­ic scenario in which we all are caught up.

Please take all safety precaution­s and adhere to instructio­ns from the health experts. We have to do this not just for us but for all those who: Lost loved ones to this virus; Lost jobs or are on reduced wages; In lockdown for quite a long time now;

Getting anxious to meet their loved ones; and

Are doing all they can for their families and us all and finally to help come back to the new normal so that there can be some stability.

Some sacrifice today will take us a long and healthy way. Please don’t let petty stuff like alcohol and brawls come in the way. That is only adding onto the trouble while our law men and women are occupied in keeping us safe from the virus.

Let’s make it easier by doing our little bit.



 ?? Picture: JONA KONATACI ?? This damaged railings along Foster Rd in Walu Bay, Suva needs to be fixed.
Picture: JONA KONATACI This damaged railings along Foster Rd in Walu Bay, Suva needs to be fixed.

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