The Fiji Times

2022 prediction­s


NOSTRADAMU­S, the famed seer, predicted climate war, migrations, the fall of the EU, death of a great leader and siege of a great city to unfold in 2022.

Well, mankind started it and has been at war with nature since Adam ate the forbidden fruit and nature is slowly, but surely, getting back her own through climate-related calamities.

Could we see countries going to war against their neighbours over resources which have been depleted by climate change?

Migrations are happening every day and on a larger scale.

Did you see the image of Afghans crammed on board a US military cargo plane during the Taliban takeover of Kabul? That was quite recent.

Brexit is the forerunner for the fall of the EU so no surprises there. And just after New Year’s Day, an EU flag displayed at a monument in Paris was removed after right-wing politician­s criticised it for “replacing” the French national flag, labelling it an attack on the country’s identity.

On the death of a great leader, I thought one of the attributes of a great leader was that they were dead? Archbishop Desmond Tutu died after Christmas but was to be laid to rest in the new year. Does that count?

Kim-Jong Un is at the top of many people’s wishlist and they say he could die in an accident. It could be a freak bicycle accident because there aren’t many cars in North Korea.

COVID-19 brought many great cities of the world to their knees in 2021. Obviously, our beloved city, Suva, is not on the list because it is not great and she appears to be under some state of siege almost every day with traffic congestion, jaywalkers and litter bugs.

The seer does not say anything about the causes that could lead to this situation but could it be one of the great European cities that is trying to contain the virus without shutting borders?

Here in Nadi, though, we are worried that we may not experience good sunshine again. Maybe the seer at Fiji Met is not telling us something about this never-ending rainfall.

Never mind, let’s hope that there will be many lowhanging fruits to enjoy this new year and many more 360 cheers to go around as we head to the national election later in 2022. SAMU RAILOA


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